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Felix Ryde

Profile picture of Felix Ryde


About me

Recent Papers:

  • Bagi, Alamaa, & Ryde 2024, "Empirical relations in thermal Comptonisation", MNRAS, submitted
  • Gowri, Pe'er, Ryde, & Dereli-Begue 2024, "Gamma-ray burst pulse structures and emission mechanisms", ApJ, submitted
  • Axelsson et al. 2024,"GRB 221009A: the B.O.A.T Burst that Shines in Gamma Rays", ApJ, submitted
  • Pe'er & Ryde 2024, "Gamma-ray burst interaction with the circumburst medium: The CBM phase of GRBs", ApJ, submitted
  • Samuelsson & Ryde 2023, "Observational characteristics of radiation-mediated shocks in photospheric gamma-ray burst emission", ApJ, 956, 42
  • Lesage et al. 2023, "Fermi-GBM Discovery of GRB 221009A: An Extraordinarily Bright GRB from Onset to Afterglow", ApJ, 952, 42
  • Li, Wang, Ryde et al. 2023, "A Cosmological Fireball with Sixteen-Percent Gamma-Ray Radiative Efficiency", ApJ, 944, 57
  • Dereli-Bégué, Pe'er, Ryde et al. 2022,"A wind environment and Lorentz factors of tens explain gamma-ray bursts X-ray plateau", Nature communication, 13, 5611:Blogg post
  • Ryde, Iyyani, Ahlgren et al. 2022, "Onset of particle acceleration during the prompt phase in gamma-ray bursts as revealed by synchrotron emission in GRB160821A", ApJL, 932, L15
  • Samuelsson, Lundman, & Ryde 2022, "An efficient method for fitting radiation-mediated shocks to gamma-ray burst data: The Kompaneets RMS approximation", ApJ, 925, 65
  • Li, Ryde, Pe'er, Yu & Acuner 2021, "Bayesian Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Multi-Pulsed GRBs: Variations of Emission Properties amongst Pulses", ApJS, 254, 35
  • Abarr et al.  2021,"XL-Calibur – a second-generation balloon-borne hard X-ray polarimetry mission", Astropart. Phys., 126, 102529


Research group:

  • Graduate students:
    • Oscar Wistemar
  • Research students:
    • Richard Bagi
  • Post docs
    • Filip Samuelsson Alamaa
  • Former group members:
    • Vidushi Sharma → Scientist at GSFC, USA
    • David Yu, post doc → Lecturer at Hong Kong University
    • Husne Dereli, post doc → post doc in Tel Aviv
    • Rupal Basak, post doc → post doc in Bologna
    • Zeynep Acuner, PhD → IT consultant
    • Liang Li, PhD → post doc in Rome
    • J. Michael Burgess, post doc → post doc at MPE, Munchen
    • Damien Bégué, post doc → post doc at MPE, Munchen
    • Shabnam Iyyani, PhD → post doc in Pune, India
    • Christoffer Lundman, PhD → post doc at Columbia, NY
    • Elena Moretti, post doc → post doc at MPE, Munchen
    • Tanja Nymark, post doc →  Vetenskapens Hus
    • Sinead McGlynn, post doc
    • Magnus Axelsson, post doc → post doc Tokyo Tech
    • Stefan Larsson (Falun University)
    • Alberto Benedetti, PhD (Erasmus Mundus; La Sapienza)
    • Damien Begue, PhD (Erasmus Mundus; La Sapienza)

Career History

Member of Fakultetsrådet at KTH, 2024-2028

Vice-Chair of SCI skolkollegium, 2020-2023

Recipient of the 2016 Göran Gustafsson Prize in Physics

Professor, 2015, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Director of the graduate studies in Physics, 2014 - 2017

Docent in Astronomy, 2005, University of Stockholm

Visiting Scholar, Penn State University, University Park, PA, 2005

Visiting Scholar, Rice University, Houston, TX, 2002

Post Doctoral Scholar, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2000-2002

Ph.D. in Astronomy, 2000, University of Stockholm

Civ. ing. in Engineering Physics, 1994, Lund Institute of Technology

Research Interests

Gamma-Ray Bursts: Radiative Processes; synchrotron, inverse Compton, thermal emission, Particle Acceleration; diffusion, radiative cooling, Spectral Evolution; empirical correlations, Pulse Profiles, Variability, Gamma-Ray Polarization

Observations: Swift, INTEGRAL, Fermi and PoGOLite

Active Galactic Nuclei: simultaneous observations radio and gamma-rays, X-rays, Seyfert 2 Galaxies, Spectroscopical Analysis, NGC 7172.

Galactic Black Hole Candidates: X/gamma-rays, Accretion, Non-Thermal Radiation, Cyg X-1.


Advanced Astrophysics (FSH3130), examiner | Course web

Applied Modern Physics (SH1015), teacher | Course web

Astrophysics (SH2402), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Astrophysics, Advanced Course (SH2403), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Physics, Second Cycle (SH204X), examiner | Course web

Engineering Skills (SA1007), teacher | Course web

Introductory Astronomy for Engineers (SH1003), teacher | Course web