Nenad Glodic
About me
My research focuses on aeromechanics in turbomachinery and the problems that I am currently investigating are related to the factors that may influence aerodynamically induced vibrations in turbomachines. Modern turbomachinery design is characterized by a tendency towards thinner, lighter and highly loaded blades, which in turn gives rise to increased sensitivity to flow induced vibration such as flutter or forced response. Flutter is a self-excited and self-sustained vibration phenomenon caused by negative aerodynamic damping and which in worse cases may lead to structural failure of turbomachinery components such as blades or turbine seals. To be able to predict potential flutter situations, it is necessary to accurately assess the unsteady aerodynamics during flutter and to understand the physics behind its driving mechanisms. The correct prediction of aerodynamic damping is also essential for forced response analysis, where the blade vibration is occuring at higher reduced frequencies. Beside the flutter phenomena, I also look into the ways of how the aeromechanical design of turbomachinery components could be carried out in a more efficient manner, without jeopardizing the accuracy of the aeromechanical prediction. The strive towards more efficient (eco-friendly) turbomachine-based transport solutions require significant leaps in technology and design. Qualifying new technologies and design solutions mandates robust early-stage predictions of aeromechanical behavior. This involves implementation of the reduced order modelling as well as understanding of the dependence of prediction results on the assumptions made in our models. Another important aspect that I am exploring is how we can utilize the anisotropic properties of composite materials (carbon fibers) when performing aeromechanical design of aircraft engine components.
Currently I am the project coordinator & PI for the H2020 project ARIAS (AdvancedResearchIntoAeromechanicalSolutions), and also project leader/PI at KTH for NFFP7 projects VIND (VirtualIntegratedDemonstrator for turbomachinery), ADiSS (Aeroelastisk Dämpning iSepareradStrömning), EleFanT (ElectricFanThruster for electric aircraft) and ADA (AgressiveDuctAerodynamics)
Beside my research, I work intensively with teaching and I am involved as a teacher or course responsible in several courses mainly at graduate level. I aslo supervise a number of Master thesis students every year, conducting their projects at the industry or at our lab.
I am the programme director for a joint Master programmme called THRUST (Turbomachinery Aeromechanical University Training), which started with the first intake of students in autumn 2010 and is a collaboration between Royal Institute of Technology (KTH ) in Sweden, University of Liège (ULg) in Belgium, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in Greece and Duke University in United States.
Since 2013 I also act as a local supervisor at KTH for the ECATA ABI course. The European Aerospace Business Integration Program (ECATA ABI Course) provides dedicated and unique training opportunities specifically aimed at the future leaders of aerospace businesses.
Aircraft Propulsion, Advanced Course (MJ2524), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Aircraft Propulsion, General Course (MJ2523), course responsible, assistant, teacher | Course web
Energy Technologies for Sustainable Transportation (MJ2506), teacher | Course web
Renewable Energy Technology (MJ2411), teacher | Course web
Rocket Propulsion (MJ2246), teacher | Course web
Turbomachinery, Commissioned Course for Industry (MJ243U), teacher | Course web