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Malena Havenvid

Profilbild av Malena Havenvid

Universitetslektor/avd chef





Om mig

Malena Ingemansson Havenvid är civilingenjör, docent i företagsekonomi och lektor i byggprojektledning vid Institutionen för Fastigheter och Byggande. Havenvid är också avdelningschef för avdelningen Ledning och Organisering i Byggande och Förvaltning.

Hon forskar och undervisar inom byggprojektledning, marknadsföring, industriella nätverk, samverkan och innovation. Av särskilt intresse är industriella affärsrelationer och rollen de spelar för innovationsprocesser. Hennes erfarenheter omfattar bl.a. forskning och undervisning vid flera ledande universitet i Skandinavien, att leda och medverka i internationella forskarnätverk, bedriva forskning i samverkan med näringslivet och utvärdera initiativ för innovation inom byggbranschen.


Malena Ingemansson Havenvid has a Master of Science in Engineering, and is an Associate Professor in Business Administration and Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management at the Department of Real Estate and Construction Management. Havenvid is also head of division for the Division of Construction and Facilities Management.

She researches and teaches in construction project management, marketing, industrial networks, inter-organisational collaboration and innovation. Of particular interest are business relationships and the role they play in innovation processes. Her experiences include research and teaching at several leading universities in Scandinavia, to lead and participate in international research networks, conduct research in collaboration with the business community and evaluate initiatives for innovation in the construction industry.


Bondeli, J. V., Havenvid, M.I. (2022) "Bouncing back in turbulent business environments: Exploring resilience in business networks,"Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 107, November, pp. 383-395.

Qiu, X., Holmen, E., Havenvid, M.I., De Boer, L., Hermundsdottir, F. (2022) "Open for business: Towards an interactive view on dynamic capabilities,"Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 107, November, pp. 148-160.

Wagrell, S., Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., Sundquist, V. (2022) "Building sustainable hospitals: A resource interaction perspective,"Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 106, pp. 420-431.

Bondeli, J. V., Havenvid, M.I, Solli-Sæther, H. (2021) Towards understanding the role of social capital for value creation in business relationships: The case of Russia. I:Bidrag innen kundeverdi og marked: Festskrift til Øyvind Helgesen. Universitetsforlaget, ISBN 9788215055602., s. 194-216, NTNU

Ekeskär, A., Havenvid, M.I., Karrbom Gustavsson, T. & Eriksson P.-E. (2021) Construction logistics in a multi-project context: coopetition among main contractors and the role of third-party logistics providers,Construction Management and Economics, pp. 1-16.

Lingegård, S., Havenvid, M.I. & Eriksson, P.-E. (2021) Circular Public Procurement through Integrated Contracts in the Infrastructure Sector,Sustainability, 13:21, pp. 11983.

Crespin-Mazet, F. & Havenvid, M.I. (2021) Rethinking the theory-practice divide : How academia-industry collaboration contributes to theorising,Industrial Marketing Management, 92, pp. 277-288.

Crespin-Mazet,F., Goglio, K., Havenvid, M.I. & Linné, Å. (2021) The diffusion of innovation in project-based firms – linking the temporary and permanent levels of organisation,Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36:9, pp. 1692-1705.

Bondeli, J.V., Havenvid, M. I., & Solli-Sæther, H. (2020) Corruption in interaction : the role of social capital in private–public relationships, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36:11, pp. 2098-2110.

Havenvid, M.I., Bygballe, L.E., Håkansson, H.(2019) Innovation among project islands – a question of handling interdependencies through bridging,in eds. Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., Bygballe, L.E., Harty, C.The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry,Routledge: London.

Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., Bygballe, L.E., Harty, C. (2019) In the pursuit of a new understanding of innovation in the construction industry – the significance of connectivity, in eds. Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., Bygballe, L.E., Harty, C.The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry,Routledge: London.

Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., Bygballe, L.E., Harty, C. (2019) Tracing the connectivity of innovation across time and space, in eds. Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., Bygballe, L.E., Harty, C.The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry,Routledge: London.

Crespin-Mazet, F., Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å.(2019) Organising communities for construction innovation - examples from the French and Swedish construction sectors, in eds. Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., Bygballe, L.E., Harty, C.The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry,Routledge: London.

Baraldi, E., Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., Öberg, C. (2019). Start-ups and networks: Interactive perspectives and a research agenda.Industrial Marketing Management,80, July, pp. 58-67.

Bondeli, J.V., Havenvid, M.I., Solli-Sæther, H.(2018) Placing social capital in business networks: conceptualisation and research agenda,Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33:8, pp.1100-1113

Crespin-Mazet, F., Goglio, K.P., Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å., (2018)The innovation journey in construction – considering the connecting role of communities and networks of practice, IMP Conference, Marseille

Havenvid, M.I. & Linne, Å. (2018) The value of BIM in a healthcare construction project - a multi-actor perspective, ARCOM Conference, Belfast

Vildåsen, S. & Havenvid, M.I. (2018) The role of interaction for corporate sustainability,IMP Journal,12:1, pp. 148-170.

Abrahamsen, M, Havenvid, M.I., La Rocca, A. (2017) Researching the interactive business landscape, inNo Business is an Island, eds. Håkansson, H. & Snehota, I., Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.

Havenvid, M.I. & La Rocca, A., (2017) New business development in business networks, in No Business is an Island, eds. Håkansson, H. & Snehota, I., Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.

Havenvid., M.I, Holmen, E., Linné, Å., Pedersen, A.C (2017). Creating relationship continuity across projects in the construction industry: Deliberate, emergent and deliberately emergent strategies,IMP Journal, 11:2, pp. 207-229.

Cheng, C. & Havenvid, M.I., (2017) Investigating strategy tools from an interactive perspective,IMP Journal, 11:1, pp. 127-149.

Havenvid, M.I., (2017) Starting up from Science. The case of a university-organised commercialisation project, inStarting Up in Business Networks, eds. Aaboen, L., La Rocca, A., Lind, F., Perna, A., & Shih, T., Palgrave Publishing.

Baraldi E. & Havenvid, M.I., (2016) Identifying New Dimensions of Business Incubation: A Multi-level Analysis of Karolinska Institute’s Incubation System,Technovation, 50-51, pp. 53–68.

Havenvid M.I., Hulthén, K., Linné, Å, Sundquist, V. (2016) Renewal in Construction Projects: Tracing Effects of Client Requirements,Construction Management and Economics, 34:11, pp. 790-807.

Havenvid, M.I., Håkansson, H., Linné, Å. (2016)  Economic deals in the construction industry – implications for socio-material interaction and monetary processes,IMP Journal, 10:3, pp. 364-389.

Havenvid, M.I., Håkansson, H., Linné, Å. (2016) Managing renewal in fragmented business networks,IMP Journal, 10:1, pp. 81-106.

Havenvid, M.I. & Linné, Å. (2016) BIM as a project resource in a large-scale healthcare construction project – implications for project management, IMP Conference, Poznan

Crespin-Mazet, F., Havenvid, M.I., Linné, Å. (2015) Antecedents of Project Partnering in the Construction Industry: The Impact of Relationship History,Industrial Marketing Management, 50(October), pp. 4-15.

Havenvid, M.I. (2015) Competition versus Interaction as a Way to Promote Innovation in the Construction Industry,IMP Journal, 9:1, pp. 46-63.

Bygballe, L., Håkansson, H., Ingemansson, M. (2015) An Industrial Network Perspective on Innovation in Construction, inConstruction Innovation, eds. Ørstavik, F., Dainty, A. & Abbott, C., Wiley & Sons: West Sussex, UK.

Havenvid, M.I., de Boer, L., Holmen, E. (2015)The Role of Interaction in Achieving Increased Sustainability in Supply Networks, IMP Conference, Kolding

Havenvid, M.I., Holmen, E., Linné, Å., Pedersen, A-C., (2015)The Organizational Dimension of Construction Innovation: How Construction Firms Manage Long-term Business Relationships, IMP Conference, Kolding

Havenvid M.I., Hulthén, K., Linné, Å, Sundquist, V. (2015)New ways of organising in construction due to user demands, ARCOM Conference, Lincoln

Waluszewski, A., Ingemansson, M., Håkansson, H. (2014) Innovation Forecasts; Unavoidable and Context Dependent,Industrial Marketing Management, 43:6, pp. 1045-1052.

Bygballe, L. & Ingemansson, M. (2014) The Logic of Innovation in Construction,Industrial Marketing Management,43:3, pp. 512-524.

Baraldi, E., Ingemansson, M., Launberg, A. (2014) Controlling the Commercialisation of Science across Interorganisational Borders. Four cases from two major Swedish universities,Industrial Marketing Management, 43:3, pp. 382-391.

Håkansson, H. & Ingemansson, M. (2013) Industrial Renewal within the Construction Network,Construction Management and Economics, 31:1, pp. 40-61.

Waluszewski A., Håkansson, H., Ingemansson, M., (2013)Foreasting Innovation. The Unavoidable Linear Thinking, 4S Conference -Society for Social Studies of Science, San Diego

Baraldi, E. & Ingemansson, M., (2013)Projects as an Attempt to Make Science into Business. Embedding Commercialization Projects into Business Networks, IMP Conference, Atlanta

Håkansson, H., Ingemansson, M., Linné, Å. (2012)Projects in Networks. How the Project Boundary Affects Renewal in Construction, IMP Conference, Rome

Bygballe, L., & Ingemansson, M. (2011) Public Policy and Industry Views on Innovation in Construction,IMP Journal,5:3, pp. 57-71.

Håkansson, H. & Ingemansson, M. (2011) Construction Companies and How they Acquire Knowledge through Business Interaction,IMP Journal, 5:2, pp. 67-78.

Ingemansson M. (2010)Scientific and Business Resources in Interaction, IMP Conference, Budapest

Ingemansson, M. & Waluszewski, A. (2009) Success in Science and Burden in Business. On the Difficult Relationship between Science as a Developing Setting and Business as a Producer-User Setting,IMP Journal, 3:2, pp. 20-56.

Ingemansson M. (2009)Embedding Scientific Resources in Business Settings– The Case of Pyrosequencing, Fourth National STS Days, Uppsala

Ingemansson M. & Waluszewski, A. (2007)The Relative Value of a Technology: its Appearance in the Academic, Venture Capital and User Setting, IMP Conference, Manchester

Ingemansson M., (2006)The Different Perspectives behind Production of Biotech Science and Economic Use of Biotech Knowledge, IMP Conference, Milan


Popular science

Håkansson, H. & Ingemansson, M. (2012) Konkurranse som hinder for innovasjon og teknisk fornyelse i byggenæringen,Magma -ECONAs Tidskrift for Økonomi og Ledelse, 7, pp. 52-61.

Ingemansson, M. (2012)Att bygga förnyelse –hur byggbranschen förnyas, a research report for the Swedish Construction Federation (www.bygg.org)


Byggandets information och logistik (AI2805), kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom Byggprojektledning, avancerad nivå (AI281X), examinator | Kurswebb

Industriell nätverksanalys (FAI3206), examinator, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Ledning av byggprojekt (AI2809), examinator | Kurswebb

Ledning av kunskapsföretag (AI2806), examinator | Kurswebb

Projekt för byggprojektledare (AI2807), kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Projekt för huskonstruktörer (AF2025), assistent | Kurswebb

Projektkommunikation (AI2810), examinator | Kurswebb

Projektledning och BIM inom samhällsbyggandet (AI1802), examinator | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Malena Havenvid

