Henry Muyingo
About me
Ph.D. in Real Estate and Construction Management
Researcher and lecturer at the division of Real Estate and Financial Systems
Research Centre: Researcher at the Centre for Building Efficiency (CBE) at KTH
My research topics include property management, real estate economics, decision-making and incentives, maintenance planning, housing economics with a focus on multifamily housing and housing finance strategies.
I am co-supervisor to two PhD students and main supervisor for a number of thesis projects at the Masters and Bachelors levels.
I am the program director for KTH's bachelor programs in Real Estate and Finance as well as Property Development and Agency.
Corporate and Real Estate Taxation (AI1179), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Building and Real Estate Economics, Second Cycle (AI206X), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Built Environment, First Cycle (AI151X), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Real Estate Agency, First Cycle (AI106X), examiner | Course web
Internship module: Internship Continuous Assessment (KF2310), examiner | Course web
Internship module: Internship Program Report (KF2300), examiner | Course web
Internship module: Start-up Business Case (KF2320), examiner | Course web
Introduction to the Planning and Building Process (AI1527), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Introduction to the Planning and Building Process, Minor Course (AI1531), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Project in Real Estate Agency (AI108V), teacher | Course web
Property Management (AI1146), teacher | Course web
Property Management with a Financial Perspective (AI1145), teacher | Course web
Real Estate Market Analysis and Development (AI2102), examiner | Course web
Real Estate Valuation and Analysis /Commissioned Course/ (AI234U), course responsible | Course web
Taxation of Individual Persons and Housing (AI1174), examiner, course responsible | Course web