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Henry Muyingo

Profile picture of Henry Muyingo



Researcher ID

About me

Ph.D. in Real Estate and Construction Management

Researcher and lecturer at the division of Real Estate and Financial Systems

Research Centre: Researcher at the Centre for Building Efficiency (CBE) at KTH

My research topics include property management, real estate economics, decision-making and incentives, maintenance planning, housing economics with a focus on multifamily housing and housing finance strategies.

I am co-supervisor to two PhD students and main supervisor for a number of thesis projects at the Masters and Bachelors levels.

I am the program director for KTH's bachelor programs in Real Estate and Finance as well as Property Development and Agency.


Corporate and Real Estate Taxation (AI1179), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Building and Real Estate Economics, Second Cycle (AI206X), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Built Environment, First Cycle (AI151X), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Real Estate Agency, First Cycle (AI106X), examiner | Course web

Internship module: Internship Continuous Assessment (KF2310), examiner | Course web

Internship module: Internship Program Report (KF2300), examiner | Course web

Internship module: Start-up Business Case (KF2320), examiner | Course web

Introduction to the Planning and Building Process (AI1527), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Introduction to the Planning and Building Process, Minor Course (AI1531), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Project in Real Estate Agency (AI108V), teacher | Course web

Property Management (AI1146), teacher | Course web

Property Management with a Financial Perspective (AI1145), teacher | Course web

Real Estate Market Analysis and Development (AI2102), examiner | Course web

Real Estate Valuation and Analysis /Commissioned Course/ (AI234U), course responsible | Course web

Taxation of Individual Persons and Housing (AI1174), examiner, course responsible | Course web