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Hossein Shokri Ghadikolaei

Profile picture of Hossein Shokri Ghadikolaei

About me

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to my KTH homepage. I am a joint Researcher between the RISELab at UC Berekely and the Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH Royal Insitute of Technology. My research focuses on optimization theory and machine learning, with applications in networking. You can visit my old personal homepage here, which may include some more academic and professional records.

The easiest way to reach me is by email:  

Recent News

  • Apr. 2018: we have received The 2018 IEEE Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize for our paper “Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks: A MAC Layer Perspective”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 63, No. 10, pp. 3437- 3458, October 2015 . This award is given to the best IEEE Transaction paper of the Communication Society in the recent years. The motivation is that "this was the first paper providing an integrated view on the Medium Access Control layer issues for millimeter wave cellular networks. Considering the developments in 5G and the role of millimeter waves technology, the importance of this paper will certainly increase in the coming years”, as the Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Communications has put it.
  • Apr. 2018: our paper entitled "Reducing initial cell-search latency in mmWave networks" has been presented in INFOCOM'18.
  • Mar. 2018: listed as the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Communications
  • Jan. 2018: we have submitted an exciting journal paper entitled "Low-latency networking: Where latency lurks and how to tame it".
  • Sept. 2017: our paper entitled "Interference model similarity index and its applications to millimeter-wave networks" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  • Sept. 2017: I am co-organizing Machine Learning Reading Group at KTH (MLRG-KTH). To subscribe, drop an email to See our Google Group Page and YouTube Channel.
  • See my Ph.D. pitch on youtube! 
  • June 2017: attended IFIP Networking 2017
  • May 2017: presented a summary of our recent results on spectrum sharing in millimeter-wave cellular networks in Ericsson Research,  download slides
  • May 2017: presented a tutorial in IEEE ICC 2017 on "Challenges and solutions for networking in the millimeter-wave band," slides are available upon request 
  • Feb. 2017: listed as the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Communications
  • Feb. 2017: our paper entitled "Pilot precoding and combining in multiuser MIMO networks" is accepted in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communication, Special Issue on Millimeter Wave Communications for Future Mobile Networks.
  • Dec. 2016: presented a tutorial entitled "Challenges and solutions for networking in the millimeter-wave band" in IEEE GLOBECOM'16
  • Sept. 2016: started a research visit period in LIDS, MIT, under the supervision of Prof. Eytan Modiano.
  • Sept. 2016: our paper entitled "Spectrum sharing in mmWave cellular networks via cell association, coordination and beamforming" has been accepted in IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications. 
  • Aug. 2016: our paper entitled "Distributed association and relaying with fairness in millimeter wave networks" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
  • Jul. 2016: our paper entitled "Spectrum pooling in mmWave networks: Opportunities, challenges, and enablers" has been accepted in IEEE Communications Magazine.
  • Jun. 2016: our paper entitled "Auction-based dynamic distributed association in millimeter wave networks" has been accepted in IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop.
  • Jun. 2016: got a scholarship from the Engblom Foundation that financially supports my visit to MIT. 
  • Jun. 2016: our paper entitled "The Impact of beamforming and coordination on spectrum pooling in mmWave Cellular networks" has been accepted in IEEE Asilomar.
  • May 2016: attended IEEE ICC'16.
  • Feb. 2016: our paper entitled "On the accuracy of interference models in wireless communications" has been accepted in IEEE ICC'16. 
    Download the paper from arXiv
  • Feb. 2016: our paper entitled "On the relay-fallback tradeoff in millimeter wave wireless system" has been accepted in IEEE INFOCOM'16 Workshop. 
    Download the paper from arXiv
  • Jan. 2016: our paper entitled "Design aspects of short range millimeter wave networks: A MAC layer perspective" has been accepted in IEEE Network. 
    Download the paper from arXiv
  • Jan. 2016: our paper entitled "ACC-CSMA: Adaptive congestion control in cognitive industrial wireless sensor networks" is submitted for journal publication. 
  • Dec. 2015: our paper entitled “The transitional behavior of interference in millimeter wave networks and its impact on medium access control,” is accepted in IEEE Trans. Commun
  • Dec. 2015: attended Globecom 2015 in San Diego, CA, USA.   
  • Nov. 2015: our paper entitled "What Is the Right Interference Model in Millimeter Wave Networks?" is submitted for journal publication.  
  • Nov. 2015: our paper entitled "Dynamic Distributed Association in Millimeter Wave Networks" is submitted for journal publication.  
  • Oct. 2015: our paper entitled "On the Accuracy of Interference Models in Wireless Communications" is submitted to ICC. 
  • Sept. 2015: remotely attended RTSI'15 !  
  • Sept. 2015: our paper entitled "Millimeter wave ad hoc networks: Noise-limited or interference-limited?" is accepted in IEEE GLOBECOM'15 Workshop.
    Presentation slides 
  • Aug. 2015: started a project on measuring the accuracy of interference models. 
  • Jun. 2015: attended ICC'15.
  • Jun. 2015: our paper entitled “Distributed association and relaying in millimeter wave networks,” submitted for journal publication. The manuscript is available upon request!
  • Jun. 2015: our paper entitled "On the alignment-throughput tradeoff in millimeter wave systems" is accepted in IEEE RTSI'15
  • Call for participation: we are developing an NS-3 based system-level millimeter wave simulator. At this step, we are targeting IEEE 802.15.3c standard, and extension to cover IEEE 802.11ad is planned. If you are interested in participating, please contact me at  
  • May 2015: our paper entitled "The transitional behavior of interference in millimeter wave networks” is submitted to IEEE Trans. Commun. The manuscript is available upon request! 
  • May 2015: our paper entitled "Design aspects of short range millimeter wave networks: A MAC layer perspective" is submitted to IEEE Network. The manuscript is available upon request! 
  • May 2015: I granted Ericsson Research's scholarship to support my research visit to MIT, Cambridge, USA. 
  • May 2015: we started an exciting research project entitled "Demystifying MAC layer performance of millimeter wave ad hoc networks". In this work, we aim to review the main myths and beliefs in mmWave communication systems area and to investigate (mathematically and/or experimentally) if they are true! 
  • Apr. 2015: our conference paper entitled "Adaptive congestion control in cognitive wireless sensor networks" is accepted in INDIN 2015. This paper is recommended to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics for publication
  • Apr. 2015: I have launched a LinkedIn Group entitled "Millimeter Wave Communications". You are most welcome to join the group. In summary, this group discusses recent advancements in mmWave communications and related areas such as massive MIMO, massive machine-to-machine communications, heterogeneous networks, full-duplex communications, hybrid beamforming architecture, and cognitive networks, among the main areas. 
  • Apr. 2015: we have started to work on analysis and optimization of massive uncoordinated access using mmWave communications. 
  • Mar. 2015: our paper entitled "Millimeter Wave Networks: Noise-limited or Interference-limited?" is submitted to IEEE GLOBECOM 2015. 
    Proof of Lemma 1
  • Mar. 2015: our paper entitled "Beam-searching and transmission scheduling in millimeter wave communications" is presented in SNOW'15 workshop, Norway. 
    Download presentation slides
  • Feb. 2015: our paper entitled "Millimeter wave cellular networks: A MAC layer perspective" is submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communications. Download Link:
  • Feb. 2015: our paper entitled "Adaptive Congestion Control in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks," is submitted in INDIN 2015. 
  • Feb. 2015:  we have started to develop a simulator for mmWave WPANs. The first step is implementing IEEE 802.15.3c on NS-3. For more information, see mmWave WPAN simulator
  • Jan. 2015:  our paper, entitled "Beam-searching and transmission scheduling in millimeter wave communications", has been accepted in ICC 2015.