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Inger Odnevall

Profile picture of Inger Odnevall

Professor, Head of division




Researcher ID

About me

The Odnevall (Wallinder) group: Corrosion/surface science towards effects on human health and the environment – an on-going and future research strategy

The research approach involves multianalytical and interdisciplinary studies to assess corrosion and surface phenomena and mechanisms, and their relation to metal dispersion, bioaccessibility, bioavailability, metal speciation and toxicity. The ultimate goal of this highly interdisciplinary research approach is to increase the general knowledge and understanding of the link between surface reactivity, material properties and environmental fate and health aspects of metal dispersion from metals and alloys used in a large variety of applications ranging from external buildings and applications, to food related utensils and surfaces, to implant materials and to metallic nanoparticles in consumer products.

The research team performs world-leading studies on atmospheric corrosion and on the diffuse dispersion of metals from outdoor construction materials and their environmental fate. Another main research direction involves the characterization of surface and bulk properties of nano- and micron-sized metal particles, surface reactivity, surface-protein interactions, metal release and speciation in biological media, and their links to toxicity,
as well as colloid stability and mobility and environmental fate of NPs.

Research approach

While focusing on fundamental questions are several research projects related to industrial problems and run in close collaboration with national and international industry and industrial organizations. On-going research activities have further strong implications for the classification system of chemicals within the European Union, REACH, as well as for environmental and health risk assessments of metals and alloys.



Corrosion Science (FCK3308), examiner | Course web

Corrosion and Surface Protection (KD2380), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Chemical Engineering and Technology, First Cycle (KH138X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Chemistry, Second Cycle (KD200X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Engineering Chemistry, First Cycle (KA103X), assistant | Course web

Degree Project in Materials and Process Design, Second Cycle (MH201X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Materials and Process Design, Second Cycle (MH202X), examiner | Course web

Nanostructured Materials (KD2170), teacher | Course web

Project in Chemistry (KD2905), examiner | Course web

Project in Chemistry (KD2910), examiner | Course web

Risk Analysis and Management for Chemical Engineers (KE2351), teacher | Course web