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Jonas Åkerman

Profile picture of Jonas Åkerman





Researcher ID

About me

I have been working with research on sustainable transport systems at national level and in European projects since the 90s. A central area of ​​research is interdisciplinary scenario studies (technology, fuels, urban planning, travel habits, etc.) on how the transport system can reach long-term climate goals. Analysis of policies to guide the transport sector towards sustainable futures is also a central research area. In recent years, I have increasingly focused on long-distance travel, which is perhaps the most difficult part of the transport sector to make sustainable, partly because aviation can only be electrified to a very small extent.

Currently I lead the following projects:

Fuel scenarios for aviation - Climate efficiency, feasibility and policy measures, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and carried out by KTH, Chalmers and Mid Sweden University.

Indicators and policy innovation for sustainable air and rail travel, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and carried out by KTH, Chalmers and Mid Sweden University.

Climate criteria for public service obligation in air traffic, funded på the Swedish Transport Administration, and carried out by KTH and RISE.


Digitalisation and Innovation for Sustainable Development (AL1523), teacher | Course web

Methods in Sustainability Science (FAL3512), teacher | Course web

Transport, Communication and Sustainable Development (AG2804), course responsible | Course web

Profile picture of Jonas Åkerman


Publication list