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Jeanette Hällgren Kotaleski

Profile picture of Jeanette Hällgren Kotaleski





About me

The main focus of my research is to use modeling and simulations to understand the neural mechanisms underlying information processing and learning in the brain. The levels of investigation range over multiple biological scales, from large-scale simulations of cellular level neural networks down to kinetic models (i.e. systems biology approaches) of molecular and cellular processes. For most of the projects, interdisciplinary collaborations with experimental labs nationally and internationally are, and have been, crucial. I have a long experience in training cross-disciplinary students/postdocs in addition to collaborating with experimentalists. Currently I have a research group with doctoral students and postdocs/senior researchers divided between CST/EECS at KTH and Dept Neurosci at Karolinska Institutet (KI). I'm also working closely with the International Neuroinformatics Coordination Facility, promoting FAIR principles within the neuroscience field. Presently I'm also coordinating the building up of EBRAINS-Sweden. EBRAINS is the infrastructure for brain research resulting from the EU flagship, the Human Brain Project (HBP). At KTH I'm also one of the PIs of the collaborative projects within SeRC as well as Digital Futures frameworks.


Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Industrial Management, Second Cycle (DA235X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Machine Learning, Second Cycle (DA233X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Systems, Control and Robotics, Second Cycle (DA236X), examiner | Course web

Neuroscience (DD2401), examiner, teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Jeanette Hällgren Kotaleski