Joel Sjögren
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Architectural Technology 2 (A21TEB), teacher | Course web
Architecture Project 1:1 Assemblies, Geometries, Scales (A11P1B), teacher | Course web
Architecture Project 1:2 Landscapes, Structures, Movements (A11P2B), teacher | Course web
Architecture Project 1:3 Living, Working, Climates (A11P3B), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Architecture, Second Cycle (A52EXA), teacher | Course web
Representation 1: Drawing and Descriptive Geometry (A11REA), teacher | Course web
Representation 2: Fabrication and Descriptive Geometry (A21REA), teacher | Course web
The Discipline and Practices of Architecture (A21AYA), teacher | Course web