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Rehabilitation and training


These are some of my most important papers on rehabilitation and training through active listening to sound and music. All are available for download below, either as Open Access or as institutional self-archiving PDF. Follow the DiVA or DOI link for a public record.

Hearing loss and active listening
The Effects of Musical Experience and Hearing Loss on Solving an Audio-Based Gaming Task, Applied Sciences, 2017:7(12). DOI | Open access

One of several analyses of the Music Puzzle material and related experiments.
Music Puzzle: An audio-based computer game that inspires to train listening abilities, Advances in Computer Entertainment, 2013. DOI | PDF

A description of the Music Puzzle game tested in Japan and Sweden.
Sound Preferences of Persons with Hearing Loss Playing an Audio-Based Computer Game, ACM international workshop on Interactive multimedia on mobile & portable devices, 2013. DOI | PDF

One of several analyses of the Music Puzzle material and related experiments.
Music perception of hearing-impaired persons with focus on one test subject, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2015. DOI | 

To be uploaded
Expressive interfaces
Active Listening and Expressive Communication for Children with Hearing Loss Using Getatable Environments for Creativity, Journal of New Music Research, 2012:41(4). DOI | PDF

Journal paper based on an SMC conference presentation. Describes the Soundscraper project.
Sonification as Catalyst in Training Manual Wheelchair Operation for Sports and Everyday Life, Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2016. DOI | Open access

Using sonification for training and motivation of hard-to-master wheelchair movements.