Short CV
- Kort CV på svenska (250120-cv_lina_bertling_tjernb.pdf)
- Short CV in English (250120-cv_lina_bertling_tjernb.pdf).
Academic CV (240422-cv-linabertlingtjernber.pdf)
1. Higher education qualification
1997: M.Sc. in Vehicle Engineering (specialized in Systems Engineering, Applied Mathematics), KTH.
2. Degree of Doctor
2002-09-13: Ph.D. in Electric Power Systems, KTH. Thesis title: “Reliability Centred Maintenance for Electric Power Distribution Systems”, Main supervisor Prof. Göran Andersson (until LicEng), Prof. Roland Eriksson (from LicEng), and Supervisor Professor Ron Allan, the University of Manchester UK.
3. Postdoctoral positions
- Visiting Scholar with the SP Group and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) joint lab for Project 3 (Failure Mode Analysis and Mitigation Optimisation). December 2022 to December 2023.
- Visiting Professor at Stanford University and the Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Department, and the research group and laboratory for creating sustainable engineering systems with renewable energy systems. January-July 2014.
- Post-doctoral visitor at Dep. of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, associated with Kinectrics Inc., Toronto, Canada. November 2002 – July 2003.
- Visiting researcher with the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. February-July 2000.
4. Qualification required for appointment as docent
2008: Docent in Electrical Engineering, KTH.
5. Present position
- Deputy Head of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), from April 2024.
- Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). Appointed: May 2013.
6. Previous positions and periods of appointments
- Director of the Energy Platform at KTH, November 2018- June 2024.
- Coordinator for lifelong learning at KTH and EECS, December 2020 - January 2023.
- Professor in Sustainable Electric Power Systems at the Chalmers University of Technology and Department of Energy and Environment (EoM). Jan. 2009. - Aug. 31, 2013.
- Head of the Division of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers. Jan. 2009. - March 2012.
- R&D Director at Swedish National Grid. Sept. 2007. - Jan. 2009.
- Assistant Professor at KTH EES. June 2006 to Jan. 2009.
- Research Associate at KTH EES. July 2003 to June 2006.
- Graduate Student KTH EES. Jan. 1997 to Sept. 2002.
7. Supervision
Current supervision
· 2 Ph.D. students at KTH (including one student with Institute for Research and Technology (IIT), and the Engineering School of the Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid (Spain), and one student with Addis Ababa University). Continuous supervision of master thesis students and visiting researchers and students.
- Yue Cui, 2021.
- Carl Johan Wallnerström, 2014.
- Chris Saunders, 2011-2013.
- Antonis Papaemmanouil, 2010-2013.
- Katharina Fischer, 2009-2012.
Ph.D. students (graduated)
- Yue Cui, 2021 January, Ph.D. KTH (currently at Hitachi Energy).
- Peyman Mazidi, 2018 March, Ph.D. Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate. KTH and the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (currently at E.ON.).
- Yasir Arafat 2015 August, LicEng (currently Associate Professor at International Islamic University Chittagong).
- Pavan Balram 2014 August, LicEng (currently at Chalmers).
- Pramod Bangalore 2014 May, LicEng (currently at Power Factors).
- Francois Besnard, 2013 Ph.D., 2009 LicEng (currently at Vattenfall).
- Feng Wang, 2013 LicEng (currently at ABB).
- David Steen, 2012 LicEng (currently at Chalmers).
- Mebtu Beza, 2012 LicEng (currently Associated Professor at Chalmers).
- Mauro Rosso, 2010 Ph.D. (double degree with INESC Porto), (currently at INESC).
- Julia Westberg (Nilsson), 2009 LicEng (currently at Ad Lantic Media)
- Johan Setréus, 2009 LicEng (currently at Swedish National Grid).
- Carl Johan Wallnerström, 2008 LicEng (currently at Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate).
- Tommie Lindquist, 2008 Ph.D., 2005 LicEng (currently at RISE).
- Patrik Hilber, 2008 Ph.D., 2005 LicEng (Professor at KTH).
8. National and international awards and prices
2022: Elected Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering (IVA) Division of Electrical Engineering.
2019: IVAs list of 100 national projects with the potential to create societal impact “GreenGrids-Flex”.
2021: Årets Kraftkvinna 2021, Power Women of the Year.
2019: IVAs list 100 national projects important for the future industry “RCAM and predictive maintenance”.
2016: Appointed as Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE PES.
2013: Wenner-Gren Foundation, sabbatical scholarship for a visit to Stanford University.
2013: Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation scholarship for a research visit at Stanford University.
2011: Super Talent 2010 by Veckans Affärer.
2008: Senior Member of IEEE.
2007: Torsten Lindströms Electrical power system award at KTH.
2003: Sydkraft (E.ON) Research scholarship (for the Ph.D. thesis).
2002: Sweden-America Foundation, scholarship for Postdoctoral research.
2000: Elforsk prize awarded for scientific work within the field of maintenance (for the LicEng).
9. Selected Current boards and appointments
Independent Expert for EU Horizon Europe.
Member of the Steering committee of the IEEE PES ISGT Europe conference.
Program Committee member of the Swedish Electromobility Center (SEC) (representing KTH).
Member of the Nomination Committee of Polhelmspriset.
Vice-Chair of the Board of Parliamentarians and Researchers (Rifo).
Member of the National Committee of Ciréd.
Chairman of the SEK Svensk Elstandard.
10. Selected previous assignments
Evaluation assignments:
- External reviewer for the EU Commission on Energy, ICT, and Security.
- Research Committee for applications with relevance to energy for the Swedish Research Council (VR) 2011-2012.
Reviewer for Journals of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Electric Power Systems Research, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Power Delivery, Energy Conversion, Smart Grid, Sustainable Energy, and IET.
Reviewer of several periodical conferences; IEEE PES GM, ISGT, PowerTech, PMAPS, CIRED.
Chair of the:
- Chair of the Swedish IEEE PE/PEL Chapter, 2009-2019.
- IEEE PES ISGT Europe Steering Committee, 2010-2015.
- IEEE Reliability Risk and Probability Applications (RRPA) Subcommittee, 2011-2013.
- 1st IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe conference, Gothenburg, 2010.
- 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied for Power Systems (PMAPS), Stockholm, 2006.
Member of the following boards and councils:
Member of the National Strategic Council for Wind Power (2017-2021).
Member of the Advisory Council of the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (2009-2020).
Member of the Scientific Board of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (2011-2019).
Board of the PowerCircle (2013-2017).
IVA Project Vägval El (2014-2017).
The IEEE Power & Energy Society. In the role of Treasurer respectively Secretary (2012-2016).
Editorial board member of the IEEE Transactions of Smart Grid (2010-2015).
The Swedish Government Coordination Council for Smart Grid (2012-2014).
EU project on Grid4Vehicles (2010-2011).
Swedish Wind Power Technology Center (SWPTC) (2010-2013).
Elforsk and STRI (2008-2009).
Industrial Research Committee of IVA (2007-2009).
Faculty board of KTH (2007-2008).
Centre of Excellence on Electric Engineering, EKC at KTH (2001-2008).
- University board of KTH (2001-2002).