Complete List of Publications
A complete list of publications is available in pdf here: 250121-completepublicationlist.pdf
for the author Lina Bertling Tjernberg (Tjernberg from 2011) ( The complete publication list includes 150+ papers. Most of these publications are available from IEEE Xplore Digital Library or the DIVA portal. Other publications include contributions to reports resulting from several working groups both national (e.g. IVA, SOU 2014:84) and international (e.g. IEA, IEEE, Cigré).
An overview of academic publications is provided at ResearchGate or Google Scholar. Citation indices in Google Scholar on 23/1/24 (h-index 36, 10-index 98). The link to Google Scholar is available here.
Recent internal report
M. Trogen Pahlén, L. Bertling Tjernberg, KTH Energiplattform 2019-2024 Dokumentation av kommunikation, TRITA-EECS-RP-2024:5, KTH School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , TRITA-EE 2017:047, June, 2024. Report available: short version. Complete version here (1025 pages)
J. Tietjen, M. D. Ilic, L. Bertling Tjernberg, N. N. Schulz (Eds.), Women in Power Research and Development Advances in Electric Power Systems. Springer Cham, DOI , July 2023.
L. Bertling Tjernberg, Infrastructure Asset Management with Power System Examples, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, First Edition,, April 2018.
L. Bertling Tjernberg, H. Shafique (2023), Chapter 17, The flexible grid infrastructure enabling power grid evolution and decarbonization In Urban F. and Nordensvärd J. (Eds) Handbook on Climate Change and Technology, Edward Elgar Publishing, (pp 274-290), December 2023.
L. Bertling Tjernberg, (2023). Reliability-Centered Asset Management with Models for Maintenance Optimization and Predictive Maintenance: Including Case Studies for Wind Turbines In J. Tietjen, M. D. Ilic, L. Bertling Tjernberg, N. N. Schulz (Eds.), Women in Power Research and Development Advances in Electric Power Systems. (pp. 87-155) Springer Cham, DOI July 2023.
Y. Cui, J. Eduardo Urrea Cabus, L. Bertling Tjernberg, (2023). A Fault Detection Approach Based on Autoencoders for Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines, In K. . Wang, J. Tietjen, (Eds.), Women in Renewable Energy. (pp. 93-211), Springer Cham, DOI June 2023.
Bertling Tjernberg, L. (2022). What is electricity? In F. Brounéus & C. Duwig (Eds.), Towards the energy of the future – the invisible revolution behind the electrical socket. (pp. 23–31). BoD – Books on Demand.
Bertling Tjernberg, L. (2022). Vad är elektricitet? In F. Brounéus & C. Duwig (Eds.), Mot framtidens energi – den osynlige revolutionen bakom eluttaget (pp. 21–29). BoD – Books on Demand.
Bertling Tjernberg, L. (2022). Sustainable electricity grids – a prerequisite for the energy system of the future. In F. Brounéus & C. Duwig (Eds.), Towards the energy of the future – the invisible revolution behind the electrical socket. (pp. 99–110). BoD – Books on Demand.
Bertling Tjernberg, L. (2022). Uthålliga elkraftnät – en förutsättning för framtidens energisystem, In F. Brounéus & C. Duwig (Eds.), Mot framtidens energi – den osynlige revolutionen bakom eluttaget (pp. 97–108). BoD – Books on Demand.
C. J. Wallnerström, L. Bertling Tjernberg (2018), Analysis of the future power system's ability to enable sustainable energy - Using the case system of Smart Grid Gotland , In Application of Smart Grid Technologies, Elsevier, Academic Press, (Chapter 11, pp. 373–393) .
Bangalore P., Bertling Tjernberg L., (2016), Condition Monitoring and Asset Management of Smart Grid, In Smart Grid Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI 10.1002/9781118755471.sgd061
Balram P., Le T., Bertling Tjernberg L., (2015), Centralized Charging Control of Plug-in Electric Vehicles and Effects on Day-Ahead Electricity Market Price , In Plug in Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids, Springer Science and Media, (Chapter 9, pp. 267-299).
Nguyen, P.; Kling, W.; Georgiadis, G.; Papatriantafilou, M.; Le, T.; Bertling, L., (2011), Application of the graph theory in managing power flow in future electric networks. Graph Theory, In Application of the graph theory in managing power flow in future electric networks. Graph Theory, INTECH Open Access Publisher, ISBN/ISSN: 979-953-307-303-2.