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Lina Bertling Tjernberg

Profile picture of Lina Bertling Tjernberg


About me

Lina Bertling Tjernberg (Docent, Ph.D., MSc.) is a Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH – The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. She is Deputy Head of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)with a focus on research conditions and impact. She is a Fellow of IVA the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering.

She was the last Director of the KTH Energy Platform (2018-2024) which coordinated and supported new research initiatives within the energy areas. She received the 2021 Power Woman of the Year award for her work as a "strong force and guarantor of equal skills provision in today's and future sustainable energy systems". In 2022 she was on the Power List Energy, which lists 20 people in Sweden according to the criteria "formal position, influence over the debate, and has an impact on the energy sector's development and investment".

She has co-authored 140+ scientific articles in journals and international conferences, including the book Infrastructure Asset Management with Power System Applications, CRC Taylor & Francis, 2018, and several chapters. She is one of the authors of the book Energy Anthology with two chapters "What is electricity?" And "Sustainable electricity networks - a prerequisite for the energy system of the future", and a recent Handbook on Climate Change with a chapter on 17: The flexible grid infrastructure enabling power grid evolution and Decarbonization.

Her research and teaching are focused on applying mathematics (e.g. statistics, optimization, life cycle assessment) for predicting and modeling reliability, and the impact of maintenance efforts for various electric power system applications. The research interests include system analysis of future technologies (e.g., microgrids, battery storage, nuclear/hydro/wind/solar power, and hydrogen), designs, and power grid operation, including electrified transportation.

The overall objectives of the research are to; contribute to a secure and high level of reliability in electricity supply, efficient use of energy resources, and reduction of the use of fossil fuels. The objectives are key solutions for the sustainable development of society.

Currently, research is performed within the two following research areas:

  1.  Predictive Maintenance, Life Extension, and Asset Management with applications to electric power systems and components within the framework of the Reliability Centered Asset Management (RCAM) methodology. The project was listed on the IVAs 100 list in 2019.  Current involvements include a focus on lifetime extension models (e.g. the CIRED working group ). Also, see the book on Asset Management.  Ongoing research includes collaboration with the Institute for Research and Technology (IIT) and the Engineering School of the Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid and involvement in IEA Wind. Also, see more about previous research here  SweGRIDS.
  2. Flexible and sustainable power grids, studies of reliability, life cycle cost, impact of different power types and local energy systems, and cross-sector between energy systems, transport, and industry. Ongoing research includes collaboration with Addis Ababa University and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and a project on sector coupling with hydrogen. The project has been selected for the IVAs 100-list 2022 - IVA Examples from earlier research from here KTH | GreenGrids-Flex | Lina Bertling Tjernberg.

She is actively involved as an advisor and expert in various professional organizations and is a frequent keynote speaker (a distinguished lecturer of IEEE Power & Energy Society). Currently selected appointments include Board member of the Swedish Electromobility Center (SEC), Vice-chair of the Board of Parliament and researchers and member of the nomination committee of the Polhelmspriset,  the IEEE PES ISGT Europe Steering Group, and Chairman of SEK Svensk Standard.

Previously selected appointments include a member of the Steering committee IVA Energy Crossroads,a member of the Swedish Government Coordination Council for Smart Grid, a member of the National Strategic Council for Wind Power, and a Program Manager within the Centre of Excellence on Electric Engineering (EKC) at KTH.

She is a senior member of the IEEE, CIRED, and Cigre, past chairman of the IEEE Reliability Risk and Probability Applications (RRPA) Subcommittee. She has served as an external reviewer for the EU Commission.

Short CV in English 240417-cv_lina_bertling_tjernb.pdf

Profile with publications is available in GoogleScholar and ResearchGate.


Degree Project in Electric Power Systems, Second Cycle (EG230X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, Second Cycle (EA238X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, Second Cycle (EA250X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specialising in Electric Power Engineering, Second Cycle (EA270X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specialising in Energy Innovation Second Cycle (EA280X), examiner | Course web

Electric Power Engineering Project (EI2525), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Individual Project in Electric Power and Energy systems I (EN2911), examiner | Course web

Introduction and Analysis of Sustainable electric Power Systems (EG112V), examiner, teacher | Course web

Introduction to Sustainable Electric Power Systems (EG111V), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

The Sustainable Electric Power Engineer (EH2220), assistant | Course web

The Sustainable Electric Power Engineer (EH2221), teacher | Course web