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- Education and speeches in English

EG2200 Power Generation Operation and Planning - autumn 2020, where Lennart Söder provided some of the lectures. A compendium is available.

Nr Content Recorded presentation Slides
1 Keep production-consumption balance Primary control - intro, length - 33:25 Primary control - intro
2 Automatic system to keep balance in synchronous systems Frequency control, length - 40:27 Frequency control - 1
3 Limitations in primary control Frequency control limits, length - 38:26 Frequency control - 2
4 Electricity market simulation, basic random variables El. market, random variables a). length - 42:46 L11-Random variables 
5 Electricity market simulation, basic random variables El. market, random variables b). length - 27:32 L11- Random variables
6 El. market simulation, case study from Sweden Swedish future case study, 100% renewables, length - first 15 minutes of 44:06 Swedish case study
7 Probabilistic Production Costing - PPC - Intro PPC - Intro - L12-14a, length - last 30 minutes of 44:06  L12-14, PPC
8 PPC - Equivalent load PPC - ELDC- L12-14b, length - 48:41 L12-14, PPC
9 PPC - Method PPC - Method - L12-14c, length - 44:38 L12-14, PPC
10 PPC - Wind power + challenges PPC - Wind power - L12-14d, length - 53:39 L12-14, PPC

ME2083 Hydropower- Technology, Economy, Sustainability, spring 2021: Lennart Söder provided one 2 hour lecture concerning hydro power dispatch and role in power system

Nr Content Recorded presentation Slides
11 Electricity, fundamental power system functioning and basic hydro power integration Hydro power integration - part, length - 40:33


Hydro power in power systems

12 Inertia, primary control and numerical example Hydro power integration - part 2, length - 45:06 Hydro power in power systems

EG2220 Power Generation, Environment and Markets, spring 2020: Lennart Söder provided lectures concerning environmental policy impact on power system operation + power system expansion planning. There is one compendium in environmental policity impact on electricity market, and one in power system expansion planning. There is also an Excel-sheet used for future system design.

Nr Content Recorded presentation Slides
13 Introduction, wind power trading on Nordpool, numerical example Introduction to electricity markets, length - 45:29 L1
14 Basic market modelling, marginal costing, What is a "good market". Model of production, length - 42:14 L2
15 Market modelling: Production Aggregated production curve. "Perfect competition", length - 31:55 L2b
16 Economic model of consumption Price sensitivity, demand flexibility, length - 41:03 L3
17 Economic production - consumption balance Total surplus, graphic method, optimization method, length - 27:36 L3b
18 Environmental policy impact on operation - 1 Market failurs: externalities, energy related externalities, feed in tariffs, length - 50:39 L4
19 Environmental policy impact on operation - 2 Subsidies, taxes, certificates, length - 49:50 L4b
20 Environmental policy impact on operation - 3 Feebate system, length - 19:05 L4c
21 Environmental policy impact on operation - 4 CO2 markets, emission trading, length - 45:20 L5: CO2 markets
22 Environmental policy impact on operation - 5 Disclosure system, Guarantees of Origin - GOO, "green power", length - 38:05 L5: Disclosure
23 Environmental policy impact on investments - 6 Renewable Energy Auctions, length - 22:34 L6: Auctions
24 Future system design = power system expansion planning: Introduction Introduction: Design of the future power system. Assignment - Tender, length - 12:54 Future system - 20- intro
25 Future system design - challenges - 1a Competitive prices,  Sustainability,  Reliability, length - 24:00 Future-system-20-1
26 Future system design - challenges - 1b Uncertainties-1, risks, risk hedging, basic finacial derivatives, length - 45:23 Future-system-20-1
27 Future system design - challenges - 1c Uncertainties-2 concerning construction time, life length, policy, length - 23:56 Future-system-20-1
28 Production cost division and estimation How to estimate total cost of a power plant, length - 40:31 Future-system-20-2
29 Total costs of a power system Assumptions for system design and calculation methods, Excel-sheet instructions, length - 46:24


30 Adequacy challenge - capacity markets - Part 1 Linearized system anlysis, peak load and system analysis, length - 37:38 Future-system-20-3
31 Adequacy challenge - capacity markets - Part 2 Handling of deficit situations in markets, length - 24:58 Future-system-20-3
32 More future challenges, close to 100% renewables - Part 1 Swedish examples, inertia, length - 35:44 Future-system-20-4
33 More future challenges, close to 100% renewables - Part 2 Swedish example: hourly balance, load peak, transmission, pricing, length - 50:11 Future-system-20-4


EG2220 Power Generation, Environment and Markets, spring 2021: Some extra lectures provided in spring 2021 compared to 2020.

Nr Content Recorded presentation Slides
34 Introduction, wind power trading on Nordpool, numerical example Introduction to electricity markets, length - 42:24 L1
35 Cap-and-trade: An example from European Union on CO2 requirements for new vehicles  CO2 markets for new cars, length - 16:26 Used slides

EG2100 Power System Analysis. Lectures provided during autumn 2020. A compendium is available as the basis for the lectures. An older Swedish version of the compendium is also available, but it has less content.

Nr Content Recorded presentation Slides
36 1a Analysis –Introduction, length 27:03 Lecture 1a
37 1b Fundamental AC analysis, length 40:33 Lecture 1bc
38 1c System component models, length 48:37  Lecture 1bc
39 2 Per unit system, length 36:45 Lecture 2
40 3 Two port system, length 33:43 Lecture 3
41 3b Admittance matrix, length 17:47 Lecture 3
42 4-5 Superposition, reciprocity, Thévenin theorem, length 36:03 Lecture 4-5
43 4-5b Voltage calculations in meshed grids, length 24:10 Lecture 4-5

EG2340 Wind Power Systems. Lectures provided by Lennart Söder during autumn 2020. An electricity grid compendium is available as the basis for some lectures. And a short extra description of reactive power etc, is also available. In addition to this there is a compendium on power plant investments available.

Nr Content



44 Course introduction - 1

Electricity and role of wind power, length 22:02

Wind power in general
45 Course introduction - 2

Fundamental wind power theory, length 35:55

Wind power in general
46 Wind power course

Course set-up, length 16:18

Course set-up
47 Basic Electrical engineering

Electricity - Direct Current - DC, length 24:07

Fundamental electric power theory 
48 Basic Electrical engineering - 2

Electricity - Alternating Current - AC, length 30:11

Fundamental electric power theory
49 Wind power  impact on voltage - 1 Basic AC power, length 47:21 Grid lecture slides
50 Wind power  impact on voltage - 2 Voltage drops and variation, length 32:51 Grid lecture slides
51 Wind power  impact on voltage - 3 Line / cabel modelling and data, length 30:22 Grid lecture slides
52 Wind power  impact on voltage - 4 Electric losses, reactive power, basic load flow, length 27:58 Grid lecture slides
53 Balancing of wind power variation - 1 Overview of power system balancing challenges, length 47:52 Balancing lectures
54 Balancing of wind power variation - 2 Power system balancing, frequency control, synchronous system, length 53:57 Balancing lectures
55 Balancing of wind power variation - 3 Inertia challenge, "synthetic inertia" from wind power, length 56:35 Balancing lectures
56 Balancing of wind power variation - 4 Longer time scales, minutes, hours, days, markets etc, length 52:17 Balancing lectures
57 Wind power cost - 1 Investment costs for power plants, length 30:59 Wind power cost lectures
58 Wind power cost - 2 Operation costs for power plants, cost examples, length 27:25 Wind power cost lectures

Some speeches provided by Lennart Söder

Nr Content Recorded presentation Slides
44 Discussion on the environmental impact from a certain consumption My electricity: Where does the power come from? February 5, 2021, length: 24:01 Eight versions of power production  origin
45 Balancing wind power using electrolysis and hydrogen use in Swedish steel industry
Presentation on April 15. IEA Wind - Task 25: Online meeting, length: 16:09 Slides used in presentation