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Luigia Brandimarte

Profile picture of Luigia Brandimarte

Associate professor




Researcher ID

About me

I am an Associate Professor and Docent in Hydraulic Engineering at the Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering department (SEED).

My researchfocuses on understanding the mutual interaction between fluvial processes and human activities. In particular, my main research interests are:

- dynamics of water and society

- flood risk management

- scour at hydraulic structures

Research focus


I am  currently supervising the research work carried out bythree PhD students:

1) Fredrik Schück at KTH, onhow organisations in Motala Ström catchment  (Sweden) react and shape ongoing and future impacts from hydrological extremes in the catchment. The goal of Fredrik's thesis is to study feedback loops between authorities, organisations and the industry and the hydrological system at the catchment scale. To study this, Fredrik will couple hydrologic and agent-based models with the aim to find the dynamics between water management and impacts. The PhD is funded by the project Rättvist vatten project.

2) Shuang Hao at KTH, onEffects of Climate Fluctuations on Water Reservoir Operation Planning.The goal of her study is to account for effects of climate change on hydropower operations by developing statistical methods for assessing relevant climate indicators, develop methods for including these indicators in long-term operational planning models and assess the relative importance of climate fluctuations for hydropower production. In particular, Shuang will apply the climate-driven optimal management on the hydropower system in Dalälven River Basin in Sweden.

3) Riccardo Biella at Uppsala University. Riccardo's focus is on conceptualizing thenexus between climate service and adaptation in socio-ecological systems. The aim of his research is to analyzing and developing models of human-climate interactions to extreme events across spatial and temporal scales with a focus on adaptation and climate services.


Past PhD students:

Sara Lindersson, Uppsala University (Sweden), The use of global data to uncover how humans shape flood and drought risk (September 2023) 

Ferdous Ruknul, IHE Delft (NL), Socio-Hydrological dynamics in Bangladesh Understanding the interaction between hydrological and social processes along the Jamuna floodplain (January 2020) 


I was honored to receive the2022 KTH Pedagogical Prize for my cross-disciplinary and creative teacching approach. Here an article about the prize and its motivation:

Taking learning out of the classroom | KTH

KTH Pedagogiska Priset 2022


I was inivted to discuss my view on education atKTH Fikasnack Podcast:



KTH Play:



Degree Project in Hydraulic Engineering, Second Cycle (AF283X), examiner, teacher, course responsible | Course web

Earth Science and Land Use in Practice (AL1300), examiner | Course web

Fluid Mechanics for Architecture and Built Environment (AE1601), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Fluid Mechanics for Energy and Built Environment (AE1603), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Hydraulic Engineering (AE2612), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Modelling of Water Systems (AE2107), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Sustainable Development in theory and practise (AL2113), teacher | Course web