Mats Näslund
About me
As of February 2019, I am an adjunct professor (20% of my time) in "Secure Networks and Systems" in the TCS group at the EECS school, KTH. The position is a continuation of the adjunct professorship I held 2015-2017 while working for Ericsson.
I got an MSc in computer science at KTH in 1993, and a PhD in 1998, also at the TCS group. From 1999 to 2017 I worked at Ericsson.
In my position at KTH, my focus lies on software security, formal verification of protocols and cryptography.
Internships, PostDocs etc: I get some inquiries on these topics, but I am unfortunately unable to offer positions at the moment; KTH is "locked down" due to the pandemic, and my 20% part-time position currently does not offer me sufficient amount of available time and resources. Thanks for your understanding.
Applied Cryptography (DD2520), teacher, assistant | Course web