Massimiliano Colarieti Tosti
3D Image Reconstruction and Analysis in Medicine (HL2027), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Mathematical Statistics, Second Cycle (SF290X), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Medical Engineering, Second Cycle (HL205X), course responsible | Course web
Ionising Radiation Imaging (CM2020), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year I (HF0021), teacher | Course web
Medical Imaging Systems (HL1013), teacher | Course web
Medical Imaging, Signals and Systems (SH2314), teacher | Course web
Project Carrier Course for Medical Engineers, part 1 (CM2015), teacher | Course web
Project Carrier Course for Medical Engineers, part 2 (CM2016), teacher | Course web
Project Carrier Course for Medical Engineers, part 3 (CM2017), teacher | Course web
Radiation Physics and Biology (HL2003), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Radiation Therapy (HL2013), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Simulation Methods in Medical Engineering (CM2014), teacher | Course web
Statistics for Medical Engineering (CM2018), teacher | Course web