Markus Robért
Om mig
Markus Robèrt has a MSc in Engineering Physics at the Royal Institute of Technology (Teknisk Fysik), and a PhD at the School of ABE at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Markus is docent at the department of Sustainable development, environmental science and engineering (SEED). In Markus research, discrete choice modelling and “backcasting” serves an essential role in the analysis of target oriented travel planning and mobility management strategies. To capture a holistic strategic approach for climate targets in large organisations, Markus developed CERO in his doctoral thesis ( At present, CERO is implemented in about 100 large companies, municipalities and county councils in Sweden. Based on the empirical research around CERO, a unique database have been created with over 200 000 observations from employee travel habits and preferences (both work commute and business trips). The CERO-database provides various research projects with valuable experiential support for sustainable scenarios and feasibility assessments of alternative strategies.
Examensarbete inom teknik och lärande, avancerad nivå (LT200X), lärare | Kurswebb
Hållbar utveckling i teori och praktik (AL2113), lärare | Kurswebb