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Rafia Inam

Profile picture of Rafia Inam

Adjunct professor



About me

Short Video

I am a researcher and passionate to transfer research results to business. Currently working as:

  • Head of Trustworthy AI |Senior Research Manager, at Ericsson AB (Nov 2021 - todate)

  • Adjunct Professor, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (May 2022 - todate)

My research interests are in the areas of Trustworthy AI, telecom (5G and future networks), and Cyber-physical systems (CPS), and in particular with

  • Trustworthy AI
  • Explainable AI, Explainable RL
  • Automation, safety and Trustworthy AI for Collaborative robots using Machine Learning and AI algorithms
  • 5G Management for industries specially automotive, Intelligent Transport Systems, and smart manufacturing
  • Real-time embedded systems including hierarchical scheduling for unicore and multicore platforms.

You are most welcome to contact me if you are interested in opportunities in this area, for example regarding internships, MSc thesis projects, research, evaluations, problem discussions etc.

Publications List


Short bio:

Rafia Inam Rafia Inam is a senior research manager at Ericsson Research and Adjunct Professor at KTH in research area Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, Sweden. She has conducted research for Ericsson for the past 8 years on 5G for industries, 5G network slices and management, using AI for automation, service modeling for Intelligent Transport Systems. She is specialized in automation and safety for CPS and collaborative robots, trustworthy AI, explainable AI, explainable RL, risk assessment and mitigations using AI methods, reusability of real-time software. She wonEricsson Top Performance Competition 2021 on her work on AI for 5G network slice assurance, and was awardedEricsson Key Impact Award 2020,and Key contributor award 2020, 2023,.

Rafia received her Ph.D. from Mälardalen University, Sweden, in 2014 on predictable real-time embedded software. She is a Program Committee member, referee, guest editor for several international conferences and journals. Rafia has co-authored 40+ refereed scientific publications and 55+ patent families. She has wonbest paper awards on her two papers:Towards automated service-oriented lifecycle management for 5G networks”, at the IEEE’s 9th International Workshop on Service Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE) in 2015, and “Support for Hierarchical Scheduling in FreeRTOS” in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’11), September 2011.

PhD students:

I have the pleasure of supervising the following PhD students:

- Andrii Berezovskyi (co-supervisor; supervised together with Elena Fersman, Jad Elkhoury and Martin Törgren)
- Ahmad Terra (industry-supervisor; supervised together with Elena Fersman and Martin Törgren, industrial PhD student with Ericsson, Wasp)

- Franco Ruggeri (industry-supervisor; supervised together with Karl-Henrik Johansson, industrial PhD student with Ericsson, SSF)

- Nils Jörgensson (co-superisor; together with Elena Fersman, Fredrik Asplund)


Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) - understanding and acting in a sociotechnical shift (MF2140), teacher | Course web

Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) for Sustainability (MF2141), teacher | Course web