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Samer Sawalha

Profilbild av Samer Sawalha





Om mig

Samer Sawalha is Associate Professor (Docent) at Energy Technology Department at KTH since 2013. Samer received his PhD from the Energy Technology Department at KTH in 2008, the topic is on CO2 in supermarket refrigeration.

Since receiving his PhD degree Samer worked on 10 research projects funded by the Swedish Energy Agency or the EU; in 6 of the projects Samer has been the project leader and has been the leading researcher in the other 4. All the projects had strong industrial involvement.

Samer is currently leading a new research project on energy systems in supermarkets titled “Building state-of-the-art supermarket: putting theory into practice”, the project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and co-financed by 10 industrial partners; it will last until the end of 2021.

The research topics Samer worked with are mainly: supermarket refrigeration, supermarket energy systems, heat recovery, heat pumps with propane, CO2 as refrigerant, long and short term thermal energy storage, and energy systems in ice rinks. The research methods included modelling, experimental work, and field measurement analysis.

Samer has always been involved in the teaching as much as the research.  He has been the director of the Sustainable Energy Engineering master program for 2 years (2014-2016). Samer is examiner in courses at the master level; such as: “Applied refrigeration and heat pump technologies”, “Advanced topics in refrigeration and heat pump technologies”, and “Heating, cooling, and indoor climate”.  


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