Publikationer av Susanna Hansen Van Der Watt
B. Frame et al., "Tourism and heritage in Antarctica : exploring cultural, natural and subliminal experiences," Polar Geography, vol. 45, no. 1, s. 37-57, 2022.
J. Dahl, P. Roberts och L.-M. van der Watt, "Is there anything natural about the polar?," Polar Record, s. 1-4, 2019.
N. Eklund och L.-M. van der Watt, "Refracting (geo)political choices in the Arctic," The Polar Journal, s. 1-18, 2017.
A. E. Nilsson et al., "Towards extended shared socioeconomic pathways : A combined participatory bottom-up and top-down methodology with results from the Barents region," Global Environmental Change, vol. 45, s. 124-132, 2017.
L.-M. van der Watt och S. Swart, "Falling off the Map : South Africa, Antarctica and Empire, c. 1919-59," Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, vol. 43, no. 2, s. 267-291, 2015.
M. E. Goodsite et al., "The role of science diplomacy: a historical development and international legal framework of arctic research stations under conditions of climate change, post-cold war geopolitics and globalization/power transition," Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, s. 1-17, 2015.
L.-M. van der Watt, "Return to Gondwanaland : South Africa, Antarctica, minerals and apartheid," The Polar Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, s. 72-93, 2013.
L.-M. van der Watt, "The emerging politics of Antarctica," The Polar Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, s. 474-476, 2013.
L.-M. van der Watt, "'To kill the locusts, but not destroy the farmers': Officials, farmers and the plagues of Pharaoh, c. 1920-1935," South African Historical Journal, vol. 62, no. 2, s. 356-383, 2010.
Kapitel i böcker
A. E. Nilsson et al., "Regional Futures Nested in Global Structures," i The Politics of Arctic Resources : Change and Contuity in the "Old North" of Northern Europe, E. Carina H. Keskitalo red., : Routledge, 2019.
P. Roberts och L.-M. van der Watt, "An Environment Too Extreme? The Case of Bouvetøya," i Ice and Snow in the Cold War : Histories of Extreme Climatic Environments, Julia Herzberg, Christian Kehrt, and Franziska Torma red., New York and Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2018.
L.-M. van der Watt och P. Roberts, "Voicing Bipolar Futures : The Antarctic Treaty System and Arctic Governance in Historical Perspective," i Competing Arctic Futures : Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Nina Wormbs red., New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, s. 139-164.
A. E. Nilsson et al., "Future narratives," i Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic : Perspectives from the Barents Area, AMAP red., Oslo, Norway : Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, 2017, s. 109-126.
P. Roberts och L.-M. van der Watt, "On past, present and future Arctic expeditions," i The New Arctic, Birgitta Evengård, Joan Nymand Larsen and Oyvind Paasche red., : Springer International Publishing, 2015, s. 57-68.
P. Roberts, K. Dodds och L.-M. Van der Watt, "'But Why Do You Go There?' : Norway and South Africa in the Antarctic during the 1950s," i Science, geopolitics and culture in the polar region : Norden beyond borders, Sverker Sörlin red., Farnham : Ashgate, 2013, s. 79-110.
Icke refereegranskade
D. Avango och L.-M. van der Watt, "On constructing Cultural Heritage in Antarctica (CHAQ)," i Invited presentation at Instituto Antártico Argentino (IAA), Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 1, 2019., 2019.
Kapitel i böcker
L. Piper och L.-M. van der Watt, "Conclusion: Time, and the Future of Polar History," i The Cambridge History of the Polar Regions, Adrian Howkins and Peder Roberts red., : Cambridge University Press, 2023, s. 770-788.
L.-M. Van der Watt, P. Roberts och J. Lajus, "Institutions and the changing nature of Arctic research during the early Cold War," i Cold Science : Environmental Knowledge in the North American Arctic during the Cold War, Stephen Bocking and Daniel Heidt red., : Routledge, 2019, s. 197-216.
L.-M. van der Watt, "Contemporary Environmental Politics and Discourse Analysis in Antarctica," i Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica, Klaus Dodds; Alan D. Hemmings and Peder Roberts red., : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017, s. 584-597.
P. Roberts, K. Dodds och L.-M. van der Watt, "'But why do you go there?' Norway and South Africa in the Antarctic during the 1950s," i Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region: Norden Beyond Borders, : Informa UK Limited, 2016, s. 79-108.
P. Roberts, A. Howkins och L.-M. Van der Watt, "Antarctica : A Continent for the Humanities," i Antarctica and the Humanities, London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, s. 1-23.
L.-M. van der Watt et al., "European Arctic Initiatives : Capacities, Gaps and Future Opportunities," i The Changing Arctic and the European Union, Adam Stępień, Timo Koivurova and Paula Kankaanpää red., Amsterdam : Brill Nijhoff, 2016, s. 243-295.
L.-M. van der Watt och S. Swart, "The Whiteness of Antarctica : Race and South Africa's Antarctic History," i Antarctica and the Humanities, Peder Roberts, Lize-Marié van der Watt and Adrian Howkins red., New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, s. 125-156.
L.-M. van der Watt och L. M. Nilsson, "Hållbar utveckling i norra Sverige : Bundna mönster och historiska brytpunkter," Umeå, Arctic Research Centre publication series, 5, 2017.
L.-M. van der Watt, "Changing climate, changing weather : a factsheet on environmental change in the Barents Region," Umeå, Mistra Arctic Report, 2, 2015.
A. E. Nilsson, H. Carlsen och L.-M. van der Watt, "Uncertain Futures: The Changing Global Context of the European Arctic. Report from a scenario workshop in Pajala, Sweden, 9-10 March 2015," Stockholm : Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI Working Paper, 2015-12, 2015.
B. Dahlbäck et al., "European Arctic Initiatives Compendium : Preparatory Action, Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of development of the Arctic," Rovanniemi : Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, 2014.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)
"Antarctica and the Humanities," 1. uppl. London, Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology, 2016.
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