Tigran Haas
About me
Dr. Tigran Haas, Tenured University Professor, Academic, Scholar, Researcher, Architect and Urban Designer, Urbanist, Public Speaker, Urbanism Networker, Mentor
Current New Lab Director: Halcyon Athenaeum Laboratory (HAL) - Urbanism, Cities, People atKTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Former Director of the Center for the Future of Places (CFP) at KTH - Royal Instutute of Technology
Associate Professor of Urban Planning & Urban Design (Tenured) at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, ABE School
Director of the Post Graduate (PhD) Program in Urban and Regional Planning at the ABE School, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, ABE School
Director of International Making Cites Livable (IMCL)
Former Founding Director of the First Ever Graduate Studies in Urbanism (MUSE), KTH Sweden
Former Founding Co-Director of the First Scandinavian Masters Program in Urban Planning + Urban Design (UPD), KTH Sweden
Faculty Member of Urban and Regional Studies Division and of KTH's Cross Disciplinary Research Centre, DF -Digital Futures
Member of the School Faculty Assembly Architecture & The Built Environment (Skolkollegium ABE, KTH)
Visiting Research Scholar at MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Centre for Advanced Urbanism (LCAU), SA+P School
Senior Research Fellow, CLG - Centre for Local Governance Think Tank, The Kingdom and The Gulf States
International Board Team Member of RÊVE Research INSTITUTE - Defining the Sustainable Future of Humanity Today, UAE
Affiliate at the Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism (LCAU), Massachsetts Institute of Technology, MIT SA+P, DUSP
Member of the Urban Coalition "ROZKVIT" to Rebuild Ukraine (Urbanism professionals rebuilding Ukraine’s (physical) infrastructure and cities)
Recipient of 15 CEO and Leadership-Management International Awards and 10 Centre for Future of Places CFP International Accolades, Recognitions and Awards (as the Director)
Tigran Haas, BArch/MArch, MSc., Ph.D. (former member of SAR/MSA, UHA/DAZ, APA, CNU, ULI, AAG, ERSA, AESOP, IMCL, ENHR and RSA) is the Associate Professor, Reader - Tenured (Docent, Lektor - Biträdande professor) of Urban Planning + Urban Design. Tigran Haas was formerly the Director of the NEW Centre for the Future of Places (CFP) - Centra för framtida stadsrum, at KTH, ABE School and the Former Director of the Graduate Program in Urbanism at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at KTH. He has studied in the US, Former Yugoslavia (BiH and Croatia) and Sweden and also done Post-Doc Fellowships at MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston (Host: Late Prof. William J Mitchell, Media/Design Lab), UC Berkeley (Host: Prof. Robert Cervero, Institute of Urban and Regional Development) and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Host: Prof. Douglas Kelbaugh, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning). He has been a guest professor at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM). He has been the Former Director and Chair of Civitas Athenaeum Laboratory (CAL) and the co-founder and director of the first ever Scandinavian Masters in Urban Planning & Design as well as the founder of the first ever Scandinavian one year international masters in Urbanism Studies (MUSE).
Tigran Haas holds advanced degrees in Architecture, Urban Planning and Urban Design, Environmental Science and Regional Planning. Dr. Haas has served as Sweden-America Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Michigan 2005-2006, Formas Swedish Research Council and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California, Berkeley 2007 and 2010 and Axel and Margaret Jonsson Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Boston 2008 and 2010. He has written over 125 scholarly articles, 50 Conference Papers, 10 books, 4 Research Anthologies, and has been involved in teaching in International educational programs such as: Real Estate Management, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure, Spatial Planning, Strategic Management, Urban Planning and Design and Sustainable Urban Planning & Design (SUPD) and the current One Year Advanced Masters Program in Urbanism Studies (MUSE). He is also the receipient of four awards for leadership from CEO Europe Magazine, ACQ Global Awards, CV Magazine Award, CIO Views Award, CIO Look, and Silicone Review.
Tigran Haas’ expertise, current research and teaching focus on contemporary trends and paradigms in urban planning & design, new urbanism, sustainable urbanism, social housing and urban transformations, and city development, ageing society, design and medialization of urban form. His Key works are: New Urbanism & Beyond - Designing Cities for the Future, Rizzoli, New York 2008 (ed.) and Sustainable Urbanism & Beyond - Rethinking Cities for the Future, New York 2012, Rizzoli (ed.) and the award winning book (2018) “IN THE POST-URBAN WORLD” - EMERGENT TRANSFORMATIONS OF CITIES AND REGIONS IN THE INNOVATIVE GLOBAL ECONOMY with Hans Westlund - Routledge: London and New York. Tigran Haas and Krister Olsson (eds.) have published and influential anthology on urban planning and design: Emergent Urbanism (London: Ashgate, 2014 and Reissued by Routledge: London). Dr. Tigran Haas has also been the editor of trilogy onSocial Housing, Ageing Society and Loneliness for Riksbyggen as a part of the Trilogy of Research Project that he has led on these three intercconected subjects.
Tigran Haas is also working on 5 new books for 2020, 2022 and 2022/23 (Atheneum Scholars Press, Rowman & Littlefield, Routledge, Rizzoli, Gondolier/Sustasis Press and Edwar Elgar). Tigran Haas is involved in three major research projects, one on Urban Form and Human Behavior and the other one on Authenticity - Contextual Cities and third on Synchronicity; he has also coordinated and particpated in 15 research projects in the Centre for the Future of Places. He teaches two graduate courses (MSc), two post-graduate course (PhD), currently supervises 3 PhD Students (As main and co-supervisor; total PhD 18 students), as well as 5 Masters of Science Students (total 125 MSc. Students).
Dr. Tigran Haas sits on the editorial boards of South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Urban Design International (Palgrave Macmillan and Springer Science), Journal of Urbanism and Place Making (Routledge - Taylor & Francis), Open House International Journal (UIP), Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Elsevier, Journal of Architecture and Journal Urban Science, both of MDPI Basel Switzerland, Architecture of Israel Journal Quarterly, Tel Aviv, International Journal Urban Challenges (Urbani Izzivi), The Journal of Public Space, City, Space Architecture & UN Habitat, Urban Planning, Cogitatio Press (Lisbon, Portugal) as well as on International Journal of Architectural Design and Management, International Journal of Urban Design and International Journal of Architectural Heritage (Journal's Pub Global Network) and Journal of Sustainable Urbanization, Planning and Progress, Urban Development Scientific Publishing Pte Ltd., Journal of Sustainable Urbanization, Planning and Progress, UDS, Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, Science Publishing Group, Journal of Urban Research and Development (JURD), Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, AJ, Journal of Regional Economics Development, Universal Wiser Publisher Pte.Ltd. and Journal of Global Economics Science (Wiserpub), Advances in Urban and Regional (AUR), Opast International Publishers, USA, Australian Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (UniversePG), Current Urban Studies (CUS), Social Science and Humanities Journal (SSHJ), International Journal of Rural and Regional Development (IJRRD), Regional Economic Development Research (REDR), International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies, (IJRHSS), Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning (LARP), Science Publishing Group, and Global Journal of Cultural Studies and IJMC International Journal of Mass Communication, both of Life Science Global. Tigran Haas is also the Associate Editor in Frontiers in Sustainable Cities - Sustainable infrastructures, Frontiers Media S.A, Lausanne Switzerland, and the Thematic Editor in Journal of Sustainability and Urban Science, MDPI Basel Switzerland.
Tigran Haas is also an expert evaluator for The Israeli Science Foundation, The Research Council of Norway, The Research Council of Ireland, The Slovenian Research Agency, The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and is on the Sapienza Reviewer Research Board ("Sapienza" Università di Roma). Dr. Haas is the Postgraduate Planning Programmes Board Evaluator at UCL Barttlet, University College London. Tigran Haas was the special representative of the School of Architecture and the Built Environment in the former KTH President Peter Gudmunsson International Advisory Group (IAG) at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology. Currently Dr. Haas is on the board of faculty representatives for the ABE School ("kollegium"). Tigran Haas is also the Senior Research Fellow and Member of the Advisory Board to the Cluster for Sustainable Cities, University of Portsmouth. Tigran Haas also sits on the Board of Stewards for the International Making Cities Livable (IMCL) network. Dr. Tigran Haas has been the member of the New York Academy of Sciences, American Planning Association, Urban Land Institute, Congress for the New Urbanism, Regional Studies Association, American Association of Geographers, Swedish Association of Architects and Planners and Croatian Association of Architects.
Tigran Haas and Hans Westlund are out with a new award winning book for Routledge Cities & Regions Series (2018) entitled “IN THE POST-URBAN WORLD: INNOVATIVE TRANSFORMATIONS IN GLOBAL CITY REGIONS”, an anthology which includes some of the leading urban scholars of today such as Richard Florida, Saskia Sassen, Robert Putnam, Paul Knox, Emily Talen, Richard Sennett, Manuel Castells, Rahul Mehrotra, Edward Glaeser and many others. The book has been awarded the first prize by Regional Studies Association in UK as the book of the year 2018. It has been translated to Japanese and is considered by experts one of the best antholgies ever done in (regional science) urban and regional studies.
Tigran Haas has been involved and incrimental in the five nominations and awards for top urban scholars of the honorary doctorate at KTH, Professor Manuel Castells (with Yngve Sundblad and Björn Hårsman), Professor Saskia Sassen (With Katja Grillner), Professor Edward Glaeser (With Hans Westlund), Professor Richard Florida (Tigran Haas) and Professor Julian Agyeman (With Karin Bradley). Tigran Haas has 10 years of experience of teaching Sustainable Project Management: Strategic Deign and Implemenatition of Projects (SUPREME Course) and has been during that time involved with leading Swedish and International Corporations and Industry Leaders, CEO's, Vice presidents, Project Managers. The course was one of the most popular courses at KTH. Dr. Tigran Haas was teaching Project Management, Strategic management and Project leadership during those ten years at KTH in EESI MSc. This has also brought him to ZSEM, Zagreb Croatia as a guest professor on strategic project management where he helped shaped course in the MBA program.
KORT på Svenska
Dr. Tigran Haas - Docent och Lektor med fokus på samhällsplanering, stadsutformning och hållbar stadsgestaltning vid Institution för Samhällsplanering och miljö, Avdelningen för urbana och regionala studier, Skolan för Arkitektur och Samhällsbyggnad, KTH – Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Han är också förra direktören för Civitas Athenaeum Laboratory (CAL), en del av en forskningsplattform för tillämpad samhällsvetenskap vid Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad, KTH. Tigran Haas är nuvarande föreståndare för den nya KTH Centra för framtida stadsrum. Han är redaktör för boken New Urbanism & Beyond (2008), Rizzoli New York och Sustainable Urbanism & Beyond (2012), Rizzoli New York. Tillsammans med Krister Olsson är han redaktör för boken Emergent Urbanism: Urban Planning & Design in Times of Systemic and Structural Change (2014) Routledge and Ashgate och med Hans Westlund, Emergent Transformation of Cities and Regions in the Innovative Global Economy (2018) Routledge (New York) and Wedge (Tokyo) och på Svenska - Urbanismer - Dagens stadsbyggande i retorik och praktik (2016) Nordic Academic Press Lund och med Jesper Meijling, Samhällsbyggandet som mysterium – Jane Jacobs idéer om människor, städer och ekonomier (2018), Nordic Academic Press Lund. Dr. Haas har handlet 18 dokorander och 125 magister (ex jobb) studenter.
Interview on the Future of Placemaking and Current Research at KTH
TIGRAN HAAS at the KTH Campus 100 - KTH "TED TALK"
Urbanism in the Age of Global Change
Contemporary Urban Theory, Advanced Course (AG2134), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Urban and Regional Planning, Second Cycle (AG212X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in the Built Environment, First Cycle (AG111X), examiner | Course web
Sustainable Rural and Urban Development (AG2143), teacher | Course web
The built environment, traffic and local living environments (AG1107), examiner | Course web
Urban Development and City Planning (AG2151), examiner, teacher | Course web