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Ulf Olofsson

Profilbild av Ulf Olofsson





Om mig


Ulf Olofsson (b. 1962) is Professor in Tribology at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) since 2006. He received his PhD in 1996 on a thesis on wear as failure mechanism in boundary lubricated rolling bearings. He has been visiting scientist at Sheffield University UK and at BREMBO SPA Italy. His main research interests include interfaces and especially simulation and prediction of friction and wear, mainly applied to problems in mechanical, automotive and railway engineering. New research interests include friction modifiers in rolling sliding contacts and joints, airborne particles from wear processes such as in disc brakes and railway wheel to rail contacts.


Master of Science (Civilingenjör) 1987, Vehicle Engineering, KTH

Licentiate of Engineering 1994, Machine and Vehicle Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology

Doctoral (PhD) degree: 1996, Machine Elements, KTH

Docent: 2001, Machine Elements, KTH


Present position:  Professor in Tribology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, since 2006

Previous positions:

1987-1993      Research engineer at the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (SP).

1994-1996      PhD student at the Department of Machine Design, KTH

1997- 2005     Research Associate, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Machine Design, KTH

2006-                                   Professor in Tribology

2006 -2012        Division Head of Machine Elements Division at the Department of Machine Design KTH

2007-2012      Head of Department of Machine Design and Professor in Tribology


Supervision, more than 50 Master/Bachelor degree students, 25 graduated PhD students and four post docs/guest researchers.


200 publications in refereed journals and approximately 15 miscellaneous publications

h-index 44 (Scopus April 2024).


_ Head of Department of Machine design KTH 2007-2012

   Division Head of Machine Elements Division at the Department of Machine Design KTH 2006-2012

_ Member of the board of the Swedish Research School in Tribology since 2009

_Member of the board of the Swedish National Tribology Society since 2006

_Member of the scientific committee of the Nordtrib Conference series since 2009

_Member of the scientific committee of the Railway technology conference since 2012

_Expert reviewer of the Swedish National Research Council (technical mechanics) 2003

_Member of “Anställningsnämnd” KTH since 2019

_Responsible for PhD student education at Department of Machine Design KT since 2020

_ Faculty opponent/external referee at 20 PhD dissertations (six times in Sweden, five times in the UK, twice in the Netherlands, three times in Italy three times time in Finland and one time in India)

_ Member of the examination board for 22 PhD dissertations at Swedish Universities


_ 1997            The Scania Award for qualified contributions in machine design

_ 2006    ASME The K.L Johnson award for best paper on the subject of contact mechanics

_2009 The Jacob Wallenberg award for qualified contributions in material science

_2011 IHHA Conference best civil engineering paper price

_ 2013 SAGE IMECHE Part F best paper award


_ Founding for heavy equipment on several occasions including atomic force microscope for machine elements, back to back gear rig for efficiency studies, nano-tribometer and airborne particle instruments for transient conditions.

EU projects

NORUBSTREET4life - NOvel RUBber mixes for Tyres with a REduced Environmental and Toxicological impact, for a better LIFE

LIFE 3.0 - LIFE23-PRE-IT-NORUBTREET_4_LIFE/101148761 (europa.eu)

nPETS - Nano Particle Emissions from The Transport sector

nPETS | Nanoparticles Emissions from the Transport Sector (npets-project.eu)


Eco Design (MF2032), lärare | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom maskinkonstruktion, avancerad nivå (MF213X), examinator, lärare | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom maskinkonstruktion, avancerad nivå (MF223X), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

Forskningsmetodik i maskinkonstruktion (MF2072), lärare, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Komponentkonstruktion (MF2010), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

Maskinkonstruktion - högriskprojektkurs (FMF3045), examinator | Kurswebb

Maskinkonstruktion – litteraturstudie och avhandlingsanalys (FMF3044), examinator | Kurswebb

Robust konstruktion (MF2024), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

Seminariekurs för doktorander vid MMK del I (FMF3042), examinator, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Seminariekurs för doktorander vid MMK del II (FMF3043), examinator | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Ulf Olofsson

