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PhD students and postdocs

PhD students (advised or co-advised):

György Dan (PhD: 2006, now at KTH))
Ignacio Mas Ivars (PhD: 2008, now at Ericsson)
Ilias Chatzidrossos (PhD: 2011, now at Spotify) 
Liping Wang (PhD: 2013, now at Mathworks)
Ioannis Glaropoulos (PhD: 2015, now at Nordic Semiconductor)
Emil Eriksson (Lic: 2018)
Ming Zeng (PhD: 2020, now at Laval University)
Ljubica Pajevic Kärkkäinen (Phd: 2018, now at Technical University of Munich)
Giovanni Zanuso (PhD: 2022, now at Xylem)
Henrik Hellström (2020-)
Jaume Anguera Peris (2020-2022)
Rémi Bourgerie (2023-)
Muhammad Zeshan Naseer (2023-)


Post-doctoral researcher

Hussein Al-Zubaidy (2014-2015)
Seyedmohammad Azimi Abarghouei (2022-)
Rajendra Shivaji Patil (2022-)