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Archmediale starts with Das Vegas artwork.


Archmediale starts with the project "S T R A T I C Space" in the Power of Zero art space (_0*) - an independent platform for architectural culture and criticism, exhibition opening 4th of August and lasts for a month, Vilnius, Lithuania.

S T R A T I C. 

The STRATIC project ( is a combination of several photographic and technical techniques: the bokeh effect (circles of confusion) and sampling rate are explored to create synchronized audio-visual performances and bring forth aesthetic and synesthetic experiences.

The result takes the form of noisy and hypnotic soundscapes linked with abstract animation. The abstract animation is generated directly and in real-time from the sound itself as the audio frequencies affect the pulsation of the RGB diode. The artist plays with several parameters affecting the light, e.g. amplitude, frequency, phase, frequency modulation, and waveform. 

When the sound frequencies make the RGB-led pulsate, it interacts with the sampling rate of the camera, causing lines to appear on the screen depending on the frequency. With lower frequencies, there are thicker lines and with higher sounds – thinner lines. Frequencies close to multiples of the sampling rate of the camera tend to make the lines to stand still in the images or move slowly. In between these frequencies, the lines move up or down with different speeds correlating to the frequencies. Low-frequency oscillation and the waveform (in the particular sawtooth wave) also affect the thickness and the distribution of the lines. The frequencies of the different colors can mix and create blends of colors.

STRATIC audiovisual performances showed in exhibitions, conferences, festivals. STRATA film screened in film festivals, installed in art galleries, exhibitions.

Artist Vygandas Vegas Simbelis, artist name Das Vegas. Collaboration with Anders Lundström.


STRATA by Das Vegas. artist dasVegas. Vygandas Simbelis art film, video, installation, site-specific