Xi-Lillian Pang
About me
Senior researcher on Remote Sensing and AI for Forest Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity analysis (2021-now).
Postdoc. The Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH. (2020-2021)
PhD. Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH. (2013-2017)
M. Sc. Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure, KTH.
Research Projects
Project 1: EO-AI4GlobalChange
The overall objective of this project is to develop innovative and robust methods for monitoring global environmental changes using Earth Observation big data and deep learning. The main application areas of the project are urbanization and wildfire monitoring. My task in this project is to model the Ecological Impact of wild-fires on forest habitats.
Project 2: Species distribution modelling (SDM) of near-threatened birds in Sweden - using machine learning
The aim of this study is to apply a SDM by using a Random Forest machine learning classifier to predict the distribution of 28 near-threatened bird species in Sweden under the scenario of Global Warming.
Project 3: Planning Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Transformations
The aim of the project is to understand and facilitate the interplay of processes, actors, and tools across planning tiers to support Swedish spatial planning in integrating Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Green Infrastructure (GI) to achieve human wellbeing while conserving life-supporting ecosystems in urban regions.
Project 4: MERGE
MERGE stands for ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system and is a collaboration between Lund University, University of Gothenburg, Rossby Centre/SMHI, Linnaeus University, Chalmers University of Technology and Royal Institute of Technology. My task in this project is to model whole tree carbon storage in Stockholm County.
PhD - Project : Landscape ecology modelling and assessment_LEcA tool developing
Globally, biodiversity is declining due to loss of habitat and species extinction, which undermines ecosystem functioning and therefore threatens the ability of ecosystems to supply ecosystem services. The balance between energy demand and the long-term capacity of ecosystems to supply goods and services is therefore crucial. My research task in the project is focus on the trade-off analysis on forest ecosystem services.
For her paper and work on this project, Xi-Lillian Pang was granted 2013 YSSP Honorable Mention in the competition for the 2013 Peccei and Mikhalevich Awards
PhD supervision /Master supervision
KTH-PhD student Sigvard Bast: Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Transformations. (ALG-SEED)
Digitalisation and Innovation for Sustainable Development (AL1523), teacher | Course web
Environmental Data (AE2503), course responsible, teacher, assistant | Course web
Methods in Sustainability Science (FAL3512), teacher | Course web