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Cheng Yang

Profile picture of Cheng Yang

Doctoral student




Researcher ID

About me

I am a PhD student at the Division of Information Science and Engineering (ISE) since June 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Tobias Oechtering and Assoc. Prof. Saikat Chatterjee. I received my master's degree in Information and Network Engineering in 2021 from KTH, Sweden (thesis: Data-driven Dynamic Baseline Calibration Method for Gas Sensors, patent), and my bachelor's degree in Electronic Information Engineering in 2019 from Zhejiang University, China.

I am currently doing research projects on gas sensor calibration and sensor fusion, and my research interests are mainly on measurements, signal processing and machine learning. Check our recent work on probabilistic modelling of sensor drift.

Besides research, I am the teaching assistant of the course EQ1220 Signal Theory, which is about stochastic process and its applications in estimation, filtering, signal sampling and reconstruction, etc.

I also supervise groups of students in the project course EQ2443 Project in Information Engineering. The topics in 2022 and 2023 were gas sensor network calibration and sensor fusion.

I have supervised the master thesis project of Ci Song, thesis: Predictive Maintenance for Air-Conditioning Refrigeration and Heat Pump Systems: Data-driven Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection for Compressors


Project in Information Engineering (EQ2443), assistant | Course web

Signal Theory (EQ1220), assistant | Course web

Profile picture of Cheng Yang