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KTH Space Rendezvous

Swedish Space History: Many Voices and More Questions

Tid: On 2017-10-11 kl 13.00

Plats: Audiotorium FR4, AlbaNova University Center, level 4, Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm

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As Sweden embarks on a new era of commercial activities and new initiatives in space it is time to take a step back and see what we can learn from the past how to best find our way into the future. For example, how were successful decisions taken and projects started during the 50+ years of Swedish Space History and how did the actors handle the ever-changing political and industrial landscape? This will be explored in this semester’s Space Rendezvous.

Session 1: 13.00 – 15.00

  • “History - why does is matter for space endeavor?”, Nina Wormbs, KTH
  • “A recent effort to explore early Swedish space history”, Martin Emanuel, KTH/Chalmers
  • “Astronomy and history of science”, Gustav Holmberg, GU


Session 2: 15.15 – 17.00

  • “Back to the old future of Swedish space”, Michael Godhe, LiU
  • “To have lived history, and write about it”, Sven Grahn, KTH
  • Panel discussion

    “The long view” on Swedish space history: Swedish space activities have always been an international endeavor. How has “globalization” in recent decades changed the roles of Swedish space actors on the world stage? And what should the response be for the future?”

    Gustav Holmberg

    Johan Marcopoulos, Swedish National Space Board
    Lennart Lübeck
    Kerstin Fredga
    Göran Marklund, KTH

1700 and onwards:

  • Mingle at Physics Chapter Hall, ”Konsulatet”, Brinellvägen 89 (Near AlbaNova)

It is free to participate in the Space Rendezvous, and the event is open to everyone. Please help us by register in the form below if you want to attend, this helps us with the logistics!

Warmly welcome!

Co-organised by the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment and KTH Space Centre.