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Grading scheme and criteria for kexjobb (DD143X)

For successful completion of the course students are required to get all evaluation components approved. Both oral and written oppositions/reviews need to be awarded P (pass) whereas a written report accounts for 80% and oral presentation for the remining 20% of the final grade. A more detailed explanation how the final grade is derived can be found here. 

Please find here useful forms and protocols for assesment:

  1. Exjobb oppositionsprotokoll kan användas som mall för kexjobb. Kolla också här.
  2. Muntlig presentation bedömning för handledare (English version).
  3. Rapport bedömning för handledare (English version).

Some additional information on evaluating reports and presentations is available for supervisors.

Assistent Pawel Herman skapade sidan 15 januari 2014

kommenterade 5 februari 2014

Länken 'Exjobb oppositionsprotokoll' är trasig.

Assistent kommenterade 5 februari 2014

Länken funkar igen.

kommenterade 5 februari 2014


Assistent Pawel Herman ändrade rättigheterna 11 mars 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 1 juli 2014


Finns det någon information om hur betygssystemet fungerar, och vad det motsvarar i rapp?

Och kan man få någon sorts återkoppling på rapporten och presentationen? Till exempel protokollen som finns på den här sidan.

Assistent kommenterade 10 juli 2014

Den viktigaste rubriken i Rapp är totalpoäng1-betyg1 och totalpoäng2-betyg2. Hur totalpoängen beräknas redovisas på hemsidan angående Bedömningen, d.v.s.0.8*poäng för rapport(RAP)+ 0.2 * poäng för presentation(Presentation).Totalpoäng transformeras sedan till Betyg enligt följande tabell:

A:          totalpoäng >= 45

B:   45 >totalpoäng >= 40

C:   40 >totalpoäng >=35

D:   35 >totalpoäng >=30

E:    30 >totalpoäng >=25

F:            totalpoäng < 25

Baserat på betyg1 och betyg2 som erhölls vid utvärderingen av rapporten av två handledare (RAP1 och RAP2), tog examinatorn fram det slutgiltiga betyget (Slutbetyg) för denna del av kursen (UPP1).

Hur slutbetyget beräknades från de två delmomenten (UPP1 och PRO1) förklarades på det första informationsmötet. Det är genomsnittet avrundat neråt.

Pawel Herman redigerade 30 april 2015

Grading scheme and criteria for kexjobb (DD143X)

For successful completion of the course students are required to get all evaluation components approved. Both oral and written oppositions/reviews need to be awarded P (pass) whereas a written report accounts for 80% and oral presentation for the remining 20% of the final grade. A more detailed description of points and grades used in the evaluation can be found here and here (additional information on evaluation forms).

Please find here useful forms and protocols for assesment:

* Exjobb oppositionsprotokoll kan användas som mall för kexjobb. Kolla också här.
* Muntlig presentation bedömning för handledare (English version).
* Rapport bedömning för handledare (English version).

kommenterade 24 april 2016


Is there an English version of the "Exjobb oppositionsprotokoll" document? Thank you!

Assistent kommenterade 24 april 2016

Hi Eli

Unfortunately, it does not exist as far as I know. Bear in mind that this is a document used at the level of Master's degree so it has not been designed with Bachelor's thesis in mind.

kommenterade 5 maj 2016

I have a question regarding the final grade: it is not correct to say that it's 80% report and 20% presentation when you later show the equation which is used to calculate the grade. Let's say I get full points in both categories. Ie: 54 points report and 32 presentation.

report: 0.8*54 = 43.2

presentation: 0.2*32 = 6.45

Total: 49.65

6.45 is only ~12% of the total, not 20%. Since the maximum points in each category is not the same, it's not correct to say that they represent the percentages that you have said. When we see "report accounts for 80% and oral presentation for the remining 20% of the final grade", it says something about the time and effort we should put into each category.

I want to point out that I did not find this, but Johan Sannemo did. He brought it to our supervisor which should have brought it to you. I only comment on it because nothing has happened, and we want to know if it's going to remain the same or if the formula going to change to actually match the percentages said.

Assistent kommenterade 5 maj 2016

As announced in the opening lecture, the contribution of your grades (points) for report and presentation is 80%-20%. As explained to Johan, there was a mistake in the pdf document with respect to weights 0.8 and 0.2. He was also assured that in the final evaluation in rapp a weighing correction was going to be applied, so that in consequence the weights would be 0.74 and 0.31. Now the updated pdf document provides a correct formula to arrive at the widely announced 80%-20% split.

If it is written that "report accounts for 80% and oral presentation for the remining 20% of the final grade" it does inform you about strong emphasis on the report, partly reflected in the amount of time devoted to these different activities (to large extent enforced by the course design, not necessarily student's choice). My understanding of student's academic effort is to focus on striving towards best performance in all aspects of learning experience that the KTH courses offer.

kommenterade 18 juni 2016

I apply the formula (0,74*RAP + 0,31*PRES) with the scores provided in rapp and get one grade. However, a lower final grade is listed in rapp instead of the grade derived from the formula. What might be the cause of this or did something not end up right?

Assistent kommenterade 18 juni 2016

The problem with Rapp is being investigated. Apologies for the confusion, we need to track the origin of this unusual issue.