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Vecka 13 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 26 mar 08:00-18:00 Ignore
VT 2014

(Ignore this! Class is between 10-17)

Ons 26 mar 10:00-12:00 Introduction to the course
VT 2014
Plats: E36

Overview of course
Design methodology
Methods specific to interaction design
Methods for ideation, scoping and exploration 

Ons 26 mar 13:00-15:00 Workshop
VT 2014
Plats: D41

Methods for ideation (see separate page).

Ons 26 mar 15:00-17:00 Workshop (contd.) + Crit 1
VT 2014
Plats: D41
Anmärkning: Critique session

Methods for ideation (see separate page)

Vecka 14 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 2 apr 08:00-18:00 Ignore
VT 2014
Ons 2 apr 10:00-12:00 Crit 2
VT 2014
Plats: L31, L42
Anmärkning: Critique session

Rooms: Groups 1-5 in L31, Groups 6-10 in L42

Make a 10 minute presentation that gives an overview of the scope of your project:

  • General idea of an activity to design for
  • An image board/moodboard with inspirational pictures
  • A target group for your design, formulated as one or several believable persona(s)
  • 2 inspirational videos found online (that either represent the type of design your planning for, or that just shows a good way of representing interaction design in video form).

To support your work, look up in “in universal principles of design”:

- 47 Image boards: p 230-232.

- 63 Personas, p. 304-307.

Extra reading:

Lucero, A. (2012). Framing, aligning, paradoxing, abstracting, and directing. In DIS ’12 (pp. 438–447). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2317956.2318021

Ons 2 apr 13:00-15:00 Reading/discussion seminar
VT 2014
Plats: D41

Agile methods and Interaction Design (see separate page)

Ons 2 apr 15:00-17:00 Workshop
VT 2014
Plats: D41

User Stories

Vecka 15 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 9 apr 08:00-18:00 Ignore
VT 2014
Ons 9 apr 10:00-12:00 Crit 3
VT 2014
Anmärkning: Critique session, egen sal 4618,1436


* All groups with odd numbers (1, 3, 5..) - meet in 1439, 4th floor E-buildning (near service centre).

* All groubs with even numbers (2, 4, 6..) - meet in room 4618, 6th floor D-building.


  • Develop several brief sketches of design ideas along with scenarios for interaction

  • Select (at least) three of them to continue with

  • Gather preliminary input from discussing ideas with external people, including members of the target user group

  • Based on your discussions and findings so far, make a preliminary list of design implications, use quality requirements/desiderata, technical requirements, main qualities of final product.

Ons 9 apr 13:00-15:00 Lecture
VT 2014
Plats: D41

Material Explorations

Ons 9 apr 15:00-17:00 Workshop
VT 2014
Plats: D41

Low-fidelity prototypes.

Fre 11 apr 10:00-12:00 SIDER'14
VT 2014
Plats: E1
Anmärkning: Studentkonferens

(not compulsory - but highly recommended)

Panel discussion with representatives from industry, talking about the next 10 years of professional interaction design.

Fre 11 apr 13:00-17:00 SIDER'14 conference
VT 2014
Plats: D2, D3
Anmärkning: Studentkonferens

(not compulsory - but highly recommended)

Local lab tour and research presentations.

Lör 12 apr 10:00-12:00 Övrigt
VT 2014
Plats: E2, E36
Anmärkning: Studentkonferens
Lör 12 apr 13:00-15:00 Övrigt
VT 2014
Plats: E2, E36
Anmärkning: Studentkonferens
Lör 12 apr 15:00-17:00 SIDER'14 conference
VT 2014
Plats: E1
Anmärkning: Studentkonferens

(not compulsory - but highly recommended)

Keynote talk by Barry Brown, about the future of interaction design.

Vecka 16 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 16 apr 08:00-18:00 Ignore
VT 2014
Ons 16 apr 10:00-12:00 Crit 4
VT 2014
Plats: D42, D4448
Anmärkning: Critique session

Room: All in D42!


  • Parallel design using prototyping tools.

  • Show results from prototyping activity.

  • Reflect on both the use of the tools, and the actual designs generated.

Look up: “58 Parallel Prototyping”, in “universal methods of design” p. 280-282.


- Each person will have worked with a different tool, and will bring experiences and designs based on that tool
- Some of you may have worked together in your group on this task, but it is still important that each of you have got your "fingers dirty" with the actual tool(s) that you used
- The crit session will not be a group presentation, but a show-and-tell session, where one person from each group presents their work to participants in other groups. Each person therefore must make sure that they bring something to show to this session.
- During the afternoon you will work in your own group again to discuss and further your design ideas based on feedback from the crit session.

Ons 16 apr 13:00-15:00 Workshop
VT 2014
Plats: D41

Theme: Quick and efficient evaluation methods, and judging and discussing design qualities of developed prototypes.

You will work in your groups on the feedback from crit the session and discuss how to proceed with selecting, evaluating and getting further feedback on your shared design project. Prepare a short (informal) 5 minute presentation for the whole class about current status of the project.

Ons 16 apr 15:00-17:00 Workshop contd.
VT 2014
Plats: D41

Short presentations summing up main results from todays sessions.

Vecka 17 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 23 apr 08:00-18:00 No kista visit this week
VT 2014

Drop in feedback session (6th floor): 10-12

Ons 23 apr 13:00-17:00 Workshop - at KTH
VT 2014
Plats: D32

NOTE: No kista visit this day!

Lecture: 13-14
Workshop: 14-17


  • Gather preliminary feedback from someone who represent or is relevant to your target group
  • Decide on project scope, and refine/merge design ideas into one conceot
  • Summarise user feedback and refined design concept
Vecka 18 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 30 apr 08:00-18:00 Ignore
VT 2014
Ons 30 apr 10:00-12:00 Guest lecture/reading seminar
VT 2014
Plats: D41
Anmärkning: Critique session


Read the text below and prepare 3 questions to discuss with the authors:

Maria Ralph and Petra Björndal. 2014. Supporting the uninitiated in user-centered design. interactions 21, 2 (March 2014), 60-65.

Link from kth network: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2590181.2566463

From home, login via library: http://dl.acm.org.focus.lib.kth.se/citation.cfm?id=2590181.2566463&coll=DL&dl=ACM&CFID=425199387&CFTOKEN=87862731

For those of you who cannot attend (e.g. due to schedule clash with the haptics course): Read through the text and write a short reflection and send to fernaeus@kth.se 

Ons 30 apr 13:00-15:00 Crit 6
VT 2014
Plats: D41

- Present finalised design in the form of a working prototype

Note: the prototype here should be something that can be interacted with, somehow, in class. That is, the task was not to produce and present a video.

The crit will be in a form of "speed dating" show and tell, where you get to try out each others prototypes and try and give as constructive feedback as you possibly can!

Ons 30 apr 15:00-17:00 Workshop/crit (contd)
VT 2014
Plats: E32

Tools and methods for presenting and communicating interaction design

Vecka 19 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 7 maj 08:00-18:00 Study Visit at Mobile Life in Kista
VT 2014

This will be a day spend at Mobile Life Centre in Kista.

Check out the webpage: http://mobilelifecentre.org/

We will meet at 10.15 right outside the "electrum" builiding, grey striped house at Kistagången 16, walking distance both from Kista T-bana and Helenelund station:


Rough program of the day:

10.15-12.00: short introduction to the centre and the different types of research that is going on

12.00-13.00: lunch break (lunch restaurants in the area, or bring something)

13.00-15.00: crit session (prepare 5 minute presentation of your project so far) Room: Knuth

15.00-16.00: drop-in feedback session for storyboards/mingle with researchers

Ons 7 maj 10:00-12:00 At mobile life
VT 2014
Plats: L43, L44
Anmärkning: Critique session
Ons 7 maj 13:00-15:00 At mobile life
VT 2014
Plats: D34
Ons 7 maj 15:00-17:00 At mobile life
VT 2014
Plats: D41
Vecka 20 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 14 maj 08:00-18:00 Ignore
VT 2014
Ons 14 maj 10:00-12:00 Crit
VT 2014
Plats: D41
Anmärkning: Critique session

Groups 1-5 in D41
Groups 6-10 in 4618 (the seminar room on 6th floor D-building).

Present a 10 minute meta-reflection of your design process, with a focus on how you have done things, what methods you used, and relation to research

How did you:

  1. .. come up with your specific project idea/concept/theme? How did you check that it was a good idea?

  2. .. move from initial idea to a concrete design? What tools and techniques did you use? What changed during the process?

  3. .. coordinate and plan the project work? E.g. sharing ideas, information, sketches, prototypes? Division of work?

For each point, try and reflect on what went well, and what lessons to bring with you to your next design process. Any regrets or things that could have been done differently, earlier, later, etc?

Also, identify at least one academic research paper that relates to your specific design, e.g. designing for swimmers, for bright sunlight, for families, for maps, interactive bracelets or toys, and mention its main points in the presentation. Use e.g. google scholar or acm digital library. If you have trouble finding anything, let us know and we will try and help you!

(video to be presented later, in individual feedback session and final presentation)

Ons 14 maj 13:00-15:00 Final show-and-tell
VT 2014
Plats: D41

Share in small groups your latest prototype, which should now be updated based on the feedback you got during the last crit sessions. Discuss what parts you plan to tweak or work more on, and ideas for how to present it all in a nice video.

Discussion: Finishing a design - when does a design process end?

Ons 14 maj 15:00-17:00 Workshop
VT 2014
Plats: D41

(Individual group feedback sessions to be scheduled in the weeks 21 & 22, before final presentations)