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Telepresence Production

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This is a project based course which addresses quality of experience in mediating presence. It introduces you to various tools that support mediated interaction and can enrich social connections, improve the feeling of being together in a shared mediated space and that facilitates collaboration. The course includes a series of experimental lab sessions and a design task, in which you will explore the needs of a specific user context.

The theme for this course round is not yet set.

The schedule will be based on modules ACFH, i.e.
Mondays 8-12
Wednesdays 8-17
Fridays 13-17

The course is concluded by a reflective home assignment.

Course requirements

  • Project, 2,5 hp

  • Written home exam/course reflection, 5 hp

Since the course is mainly project based, students are required to put a lot of effort into it and work more than the formally scheduled hours. Students are also encouraged to bring own computers and other equipment at several course events.
