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May 2011
27 May 12.39
| Asparuh Stanev
| Accessible to the whole world
Does someone know when the results are going out?
12 May 20.52
| Jennifer Minnhagen
| Accessible to the whole world
Hi! I have a question about Home Assignment 5, problem #4. First of all, it says that the given approximate ...
04 May 14.42
| Robin Bramsäter
| Accessible to the whole world
And one more; how does a mirror point occur?
04 May 13.32
| Alexander Wahlberg
| Accessible to the whole world
In homeassignment 4.2, I dont understand if the not magnetic plasma could be assumed to be an ideal gas and ...
April 2011
10 April 22.18
| William Sawicki
| Accessible to the whole world
Is anyone looking for a homework buddy?