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Reading Assignments

Instructions for reading assignments

General Instructions

The review should not be longer than one page. Submit all reading assignment through bilda. Bilda automatically checkes for plagiarism. 

Lärare Jim Dowling skapade sidan 21 mars 2013

kommenterade 23 april 2013

What is the page limit on reading assignment submissions? I got feedback that I wrote a little too much, but I can't seem to find any info on how many pages the max is.

Lärare kommenterade 23 april 2013

one page for the review

Lärare Salman Muhammad Khan Niazi ändrade rättigheterna 7 april 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Salman Muhammad Khan Niazi redigerade 31 mars 2015

Instructions for reading assignmentsInstructions for reading assignments

General Instructions
* How to read a paper [pdf]
* How to write a review [pdf] . It is also useful to know how not to review a paper [link]
* General instructions for the reading assignments [pdf]
* It is strongly recommended to use the given templates [latex], [word]
Submit all reading assignment through bilda. Bilda automatically checkes for plagiarism. 

kommenterade 13 april 2015

My group mate is dropping the course. If anyone is still looking for a partner for assignment and project, feel free to knock me on mrhasan@kth.se.

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
Salman Muhammad Khan Niazi redigerade 12 april 2016

Instructions for reading assignments

General Instructions
* How to read a paper [pdf]
* How to write a review [pdf] [pdf].
* It is strongly recommended to use the given templates [review-template.tgz] [sample-review.pdf]
The review should not be longer than one page. Submit all reading assignment through bilda. Bilda automatically checkes for plagiarism.

kommenterade 17 april 2016

Could we get the papers for the upcoming in Reading Assignments in advance? Just a list of the five papers.

Assistent kommenterade 24 mars 2017

First reading assignment paper:

Analysis of hashrate-based double-spending

Assistent kommenterade 31 mars 2017

Second reading assignment is available

kommenterade 31 mars 2017

When trying to download the second reading paper I get "You do not have access to this resource" and then a modal saying "Wait..." with a spinner that never ends

kommenterade 31 mars 2017

Where do we refer to the project presentation material that was presented today morning? 

kommenterade 1 april 2017

The file document.pdf for the second reading assignment is not accessible, "You do not have access to this resource".

Assistent kommenterade 1 april 2017

I should have fixed the reading assignment 2 link. Try again and let me know if it doesn't work.

kommenterade 1 april 2017

Yes, it now works, thank you!

Assistent kommenterade 3 april 2017

Please check if you can view the project 2017 in bilda

kommenterade 3 april 2017

Thanks, could see it now. 

kommenterade 3 april 2017


Is it possible to have the slides as well ?

Thank you !