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Digital Learning in Higher Education

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Welcome to LH238V
- Digital Learning in Higher Education!

Please note, prerequisites for 7.5 credits higher education pedagogical course.

Schedule 2023:

Date Time Room
1 September 9.00-12.00 Online
15 September 9.00-12.00 KTH Campus Valhallavägen
22 September 9.00-12.00 Online
6 October 9.00-12.00 Online
13 October 9.00-12.00 KTH Campus Valhallavägen
27 October 9.00-12.00 Online
13 November (updated) 9.00-12.00 Online
23 November 16.00-19.00 Online
1 December 9.00-12.00 KTH Campus Valhallavägen
15 December 9.00-12.00 Online

This is the course for those who want to learn more about digital learning!

 The course contains workshops, seminars/webinars, self-study material and assignments on various aspects of digital education.

 Topics of the course includes: Introduction to Digital learning, Digital assessment, Online and/or blended learning activities, Theoretical perspectives of digital learning, Digital learning in the light of industry 4.0.

The course aims to contribute to your development of skills and abilities to analyze, plan, create, implement, and evaluate learning and teaching in a digital education environment.

 The course is free of charge for KTH teachers.

Elegibility: LH231V Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 7.5 credits or equivalent from KTH or other university.

LH238V is tailored for teachers at KTH. It is included in course offerings that meet KTH's requirement of 15 credits in academic teaching for employment or promotion to a teaching position.

Information about all courses in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Information about KTH SoTL
