Ida Naimi-Akbar
About me
I am a lecturer at the department of learning at KTH and spend half of my time on my research education as a PhD student. My expertise is in the field of balance between teaching & learning and practical work in engineering education. I am working in the meeting between teaching and learning and the teacher's practice. I explore and develop teachers' ability to base their teaching practice in research and proven experience. My main interest is in how teachers understand and utilize knowledge of learning in their own practice and how different driving forces and demands for change can be used to create change in education and increased awareness of learning.
I am engaged in both courses in teaching and learning in higher education as well as courses in the second cycle in learning and didactics.
phone:08-790 92 50
Curriculum Theory and Subject Didactics (LT2034), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Technology and Learning, Second Cycle (LT200X), teacher | Course web
Digital Learning in Higher Education (LH238V), assistant | Course web
Education, School and Society-Contemporary and Historical Perspectives (LT1014), teacher, course responsible | Course web
Gender Theory and Gender Equality in Technical Higher Education (LH225V), assistant | Course web
Learning as Professional Assignments (LT1036), assistant | Course web
Perspectives on Learning, Education and Governance (LT1051), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Programme integrating course (LT1040), teacher | Course web
Scholarship of teaching and learning (LH213V), course responsible | Course web
Supervising School Placements Students (LT1029), assistant | Course web
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (LH231V), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (LH231U), course responsible, teacher | Course web