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Advanced Quantum Mechanics

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General Information

  • Credits: 7.5 ECTS points.
  • Course format: The course consists of 15 lectures (30 h) and 15 tutorials (30 h).
  • Examination: See the schedule.
  • Course book:
    Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development, L. E. Ballentine, World Scientific 2nd edition (2014).


  • To master the notation and formalism of QM
  • Ability to formulate and apply the basic rules of QM
  • Ability to formulate and solve the QM problems treated in the course
  • To develop ability to analyze complex problems


Quantum mechanics gives an accurate description of microscopic phenomena, that both overcomes the limited applicability of classical mechanics, and also clarifies when the classical approximation applies. Quantum mechanics gives a basic microscopic description of how nature works, and formulates fundamental rules for describing the outcome of experiments. Quantum effects are of basic importance for various technological applications. The course gives a deepened understanding of the formalism and computational tools of QM. Topics such as Dirac notation, quantum spin systems, path integrals, various approximation methods, field quantization, etc., are treated. The course also contains various important applications of QM. An integral part of the course is to learn about and practice on various problems that can be solved with QM, and we will also discuss some outstanding unsolved problems. The course bridges the gap from introductory quantum physics courses to graduate level courses and to modern applications of QM. The course should be valuable for advanced undergraduate and masters students and beginning PhD students in physics and related areas.


Introductory quantum mechanics and classical mechanics is assumed. For example Gasiorowicz chapter 1-14, Griffiths chapter 1-5, or equivalent.

Course literature

Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development,
L. E. Ballentine, World Scientific 2nd edition (2014).
ISBN: 9789814578585


Lecturer: Jens H. Bardarson Room A4:1049 in AlbaNova, Email: bardarson@kth.se

See the Canvas page for up to date information about the course.
