Supraledning och tillämpningar

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Welcome to the introductory course in superconductivity

Superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon that leads to completely loss-less transport of electric currents. With such a unique property, superconductors are commercially used in a large number of applications, like e.g. superconducting magnets, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in hospitals, guidance of particles in accelerators, sensitive measurement instruments, high quality electronic filters etc.

This course gives the necessary introduction for working with superconductivity research or applied superconductivity in industry. It joins a basic understanding of the theory of superconductivity with important concepts that are necesssary in order to understand the principles for designing superconducting applications.

The course gives 6 hp credits and is intended for advanced level undergraduate students. The course is normally given in English and is managed through the KTH learning management system (Canvas).


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