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Page overview

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This overview shows the pages for your group web. You can also see page permissions (who can read the page) and when the page was last modified. Overview, News feed, and Schedule are automatically created and not shown here.


These pages are directed to the whole group and positioned after the Calendar in the menu. Only administrators can edit the pages.

Page Can read Last changed
Checklist for Entering and Leaving the Student CouncilMembers2024-01-15
ITM PhD Student CouncilLogged in users2024-02-15
ITM PhD Student Council & PADs Election Annual MeetingsLogged in users2024-03-21
ITM PhD Students SurveyLogged in users2024-04-18
Introductory Course at ITMMembers2021-05-24
Meeting Minutes And TemplatesLogged in users2024-08-29
PADsLogged in users2024-04-18
PhD Study Guides & Study PlansLogged in users2024-04-24
PhD coursesLogged in users2024-09-11
Recruitment/Promotion CommitteeLogged in users2020-04-09
Time compensationLogged in users2022-11-24
Working packagesLogged in users2021-05-24

Group wiki

Wiki pages are directed to the whole group and placed under the wiki. All members and administrators can edit the pages.

There are no pages