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RAE 2021

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To develop and improve the quality of research, KTH conducts a self-initiated research evaluation, known as the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). In 2020/2021, KTH will conduct its third Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). 

Here we will collect all Self-evaluation documentation from the coordinators. 

Panels and coordinators: 

Coordinator Panel
Panel 1, Johan Silfwerbrand Architecture and the Built Environment
Panel 2, Per-Åke Nygren Biotechnology
Panel 3, Christofer Leygraf Chemistry and Materials Science
Panel 4, Panagiotis Papadimitratos Computer science 
Panel 5, Wouter van der Wijngaart Intelligent Systems and Biomedical Engineering
Panel 6, Gunnar Malm Energy and Electrical Engineering
Panel 7, Lihui Wang Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Panel 8, Anna-Karin Tornberg Mathematics and Engineering Mechanics
Panel 9, Bengt Lund-Jensen Physics and Applied Physics