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Version skapad av Sandra Backman 2019-06-03 10:34

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Project proposal and form for application for degree project

Before you can start the degree project course

1. Hand in project proposal in Canvas

Before you can start the degree project course, you need to hand in a project proposal in Canvas. Submit the project proposal and the application form by uploading the file in an, so called, activity (or assignment) in Canvas. Choose the activity that corresponds to the own education program. Please note: choose only one activity and hand in only one degree project proposal. Fill in the project proposal with the available information. If there are any unknowns with the degree project, please state these in the project proposal. Choose an activity that contains the name “grundnivå” (= bachelor level – which are from the first part of activities in the activity list).

Template for project proposal (Word)

Template for project proposal (pdf)

Canvas login

2. Form for application for degree project

In order to be registered for the degree project, you also need to fill out the form "application for degree project". Part 1 of the filled out form should be submitted to your study counsellor that will verify your eligibility. The form can be sent via e-mail or by dropping it in the white mailbox outside the drop-in room at floor 3. If you fulfill the eligibility requirements, the form will be stamped and signed by the study counsellor. Thereafter, please contact an examiner for the remaining data to be completed (part 2 of the form).

When both part 1 and part 2 of application form are signed, please hand in the entire application form back to the study counsellor (via e-mail or by dropping it in the white mailbox, outside the drop-in room at floor 3) that will admit you for the degree project course. Registration is made within short after admission. 

Application for degree project (pdf)