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C. Liu et al., "Appraisal of cycling infrastructure investments using a transport model with focus on cycling," Case Studies on Transport Policy, vol. 9, no. 1, s. 125-136, 2021.
M. Adolphson och D. Jonsson, "Uncover the theory practice gap in Swedish transport planning : an interdisciplinary approach," European Planning Studies, vol. 28, no. 11, s. 2237-2260, 2020.
J. Eliasson, C. Savemark och J. P. Franklin, "The impact of land use effects in infrastructure appraisal," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 141, s. 262-276, 2020.
C. Liu et al., "Development of a large-scale transport model with focus on cycling," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 134, s. 164-183, 2020.
I. Rubensson, Y. Susilo och O. Cats, "Fair accessibility - Operationalizing the distributional effects of policy interventions," Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 89, 2020.
M. D. Simonia, E. Kutanoglub och C. G. Claudela, "Optimization and analysis of a robot-assisted last mile delivery system," Transportation Research Part E : Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 142, 2020.
O. B. Västberg et al., "A Dynamic Discrete Choice Activity-Based Travel Demand Model," Transportation Science, vol. 54, no. 1, s. 21-41, 2020.
I. B. Alhassan et al., "Revisiting public transport service delivery : Exploring rail commuters’ attitudes towards fare collection and verification systems," European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, vol. 19, no. 4, s. 310-331, 2019.
S. Habibi, E. Frejinger och M. Sundberg, "An empirical study on aggregation of alternatives and its influence on prediction in car type choice models," Transportation, vol. 46, no. 3, s. 563-582, 2019.
Y. O. Susilo, L. Chengxi och M. Börjesson, "The changes of activity-travel participation across gender, life-cycle, and generations in Sweden over 30years," Transportation, vol. 46, no. 3, s. 793-818, 2019.
J. Whitehead, S. Washington och J. Franklin, "The Impact of Different Incentive Policies on Hybrid Electric Vehicle Demand and Price: An International Comparison," World Electric Vehicle Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, 2019.
W. Zhang, N. A. Termida och Y. O. Susilo, "What construct one's familiar area? : A quantitative and longitudinal study," Environment and planning B : Urban analytics and city science, vol. 46, no. 2, s. 322-340, 2019.
R. Abenoza, O. Cats och Y. Susilo, "Investigating the nature of Public Transport service attributes," Transportation Science, 2018.
R. Abenoza, O. Cats och Y. Susilo, "How does travel satisfaction sum up? : Decomposing the door-to-door experience for multimodal trips," Transportation, vol. 46, no. 5, s. 1615-1642, 2018.
O. Cats, Y. O. Susilo och T. Reimal, "The prospects of fare-free public transport : evidence from Tallinn (vol 44, pg 1083, 2017)," Transportation, vol. 45, no. 5, s. 1601-1602, 2018.
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo och A. Karlström, "On complexity and variability of individuals' discretionary activities," Transportation, vol. 45, no. 1, s. 177-204, 2018.
J. H. M. Langbroek, J. P. Franklin och Y. Susilo, "A stated adaptation instrument for studying travel patterns after electric vehicle adoption," Transportation Research Procedia, vol. 32, s. 464-473, 2018.
J. H.M. Langbroek, J. P. Franklin och Y. O. Susilo, "How would you change your travel patterns if you used an electric vehicle? A stated adaptation approach," Travel Behaviour & Society, vol. 13, s. 144-154, 2018.
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