M. A. Habib och S. McCarthy,
"Development of an integrated transportation and land use microsimulation model on a flexible modeling platform,"
A. Jaafer, G. Nilsson och G. Como,
"Data Augmentation of IMU Signals and Evaluation via a Semi-Supervised Classification of Driving Behavior,"
i 2020 IEEE 23rd international conference on intelligent transportation systems (ITSC), 2020.
I. Alhasan et al.,
"Evaluation of intercounty integrated ticketing scheme, the case of Movingo in Sweden,"
i Transportforum 2019, 2019.
S. Jiang, C. Persson och J. Åkesson,
"Punctuality prediction : combined probability approach and random forest modelling with railway delay statistics in Sweden,"
i Proceedings 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 2019, 2019, s. 2797-2802.
R. Palmberg, Y. Susilo och G. Gidofalvi,
"Developing and trialling an implicit interaction platform to monitor and aiding dementia travellers,"
i Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys (MASS) Workshop, 4-5 March, Mannheim, Germany, 2019.
R. Palmberg, Y. Susilo och G. Gidofalvi,
"Uncovering Effects of Spatial and Transportation Elements on Travellers Using Biometric Data,"
B. Vaddadi et al.,
"Measuring system level effects of Corporate MaaS : A case study in Sweden,"
i Towards human scale cities -open and happy, 2019, s. 68.
P. N. Chee et al.,
"Investigating the willingness of use autonomous bus as a last-mile travel mode: First evidence from public trial in Kista, Stockholm,"
i hEART 2018 – 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 2018.
J. M. Lorenzo Varela,
"Parameter bias in misspecified HCM: An empirical study.,"
i XIII Conference on Transport Engineering, CIT2018, 2018.
J. M. Lorenzo Varela,
"Parameter bias in misspecified Hybrid Choice Models : An empirical study.,"
i Transportation Research Procedia, 2018, s. 99-106.
J. M. Lorenzo Varela, M. Börjesson och A. Daly,
"Estimating Values of Time on National travel survey data,"
i 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. hEART 2018, 2018.
J. M. Lorenzo Varela, M. Börjesson och A. Daly,
"Quantifying errors in travel time and cost by latent variables in transport demand models,"
i 15th International conference on travel behavior research. (IATBR 2018), 2018.
J. M. Lorenzo Varela, Y. Susilo och R. D. Jonsson,
"User attitudes towards a Mobility as a Service solution: Understanding differences between latent modality styles,"
i Nationell konferens I transportforskning 2018, 2018.
R. Palmberg, G. Gidofalvi och Y. Susilo,
"Enabling Technologies to Serve the Ageing Urban Society Better (ENTRUST),"
i Ny teknik i äldreomsorgen 24 maj 2018 Stockholm, 2018.
A. C. Prelipcean, Y. O. Susilo och G. Gidofalvi,
"Future directions of research for automatic travel diary collection,"
i Proceedings of the 11th International conference on Transport Survey Methods, 2018.
A. C. Prelipcean och T. Yamamoto,
"Workshop synthesis: New developments in travel diary collection systems based on smartphones and GPS receivers,"
i Proceedings of the 11th International conference on Transport Survey Methods, 2018, s. 119-125.
A. C. Prelipcean, Y. O. Susilo och G. Gidofalvi,
"A series of three case studies on the semi-automation of activity travel diary generation using smarpthones,"
i Proceedings of TRB 2017 Annual Meeting, 2017.
J. M. Lorenzo Varela och A. Orro Arcay,
"Coeficientes aleatorios con distribución triangular asimétrica en modelos logit mixto.,"
i XVIII Panamerican Conference of Transportation Eng. & Logistics (PANAM 2014), 2014.