Sports require many different facilities and some can be very large and expensive. Examples include sport halls, arenas, outdoor gym, luge tracks and many more.
Technical challenges in sports facilities are building construction, architecture, energy efficiency, climate control, health and safety.
Example Projects
Samer Sawalha, Energy systems for refrigeration and heating
Samer work with energy systems for refrigeration and heating, the main application area is ice rinks where there is a need for refrigeration of the ice rink floor to produce and keep the ice sheet, at the same time there are heating needs in the ice hall and neighboring facilities. Samer's teamm focus their research on new efficient and environmentally friendly system solutions.
What impact can your research have on sport?
"Hopefully, our work will result in building more ice rinks that are much cheaper to run, resulting in extended opening hours or seasons, which will facilitate access to the ice rinks to more people," says Samer Sawalha.
Why is this research important?
"Ice rinks are intensive energy using facilities, therefore, significantly reducing the energy cost to run the energy systems in ice rinks will mean that there is much more money spared to spend on other activities, maybe the relevant sports activities. With lower energy use and using natural working fluids the carbon footprint of modern ice rinks will be significantly reduced. Additionally, there are many ice rinks in Sweden that are very old and need renovation in the future, this is a continuous process which requires good system solutions and new knowledge which is scientifically based."