The aim of the degree project [1] is for the student to apply and deepen knowledge, understanding, abilities and approach within the context of the education. The degree project should be carried out at the end of the education and provide a specialized study and synthesis of earlier acquired knowledge. In the degree project is emphasized both the technical/scientific content and method knowledge. [1] Also designated independent project.
Information per course offering
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Information for Spring 2025 Start 14 Jan 2025 programme students
Headings with content from the Course syllabus DA236X (Autumn 2020–) are denoted with an asterisk ( )
Content and learning outcomes
Course disposition
The degree project is an individual independent project that is carried out by one student. If several students are working within the same project, it shall result in individual reports, where each report has to satisfy the requirements for a degree project.
The student shall contact an appropriate examiner before the work has started. Alternatively, the director of studies for degree projects or programme director may propose an examiner.
The student makes a brief written proposal which describes the project. The written proposal shall be attached to the registration form [1]. The written proposal shall contain background, purpose, objective and method.
The school's office of student affairs will control that the student satisfies all credit requirements to be admitted to a degree project and sign the registration form. The examiner should ensure, that the student satisfies the specific prerequisites for the degree project, and that the suggested degree project will satisfy the intended learning outcomes of the degree project. The examiner then signs the registration form.
The examiner will appoint a supervisor at KTH and approve a possible industry supervisor.
The degree project will be registered, when the examiner has approved the project proposal [2]. At the registration, the program director will verifiy that the degree project falls within the subject area(s) of the study programme(s), and that the questions at issue indicate an appropriate progression within the education.
The student should write a detailed individual plan for the degree project [3] that should be delivered to the examiner for approval.
The student carries out a pre-study, an investigation of choices of methods, as well as a literature study, which are delivered to the supervisor at KTH for approval.
During the implementation of the degree project, the student shall regularly (at least every second week) report how the work progresses to the supervisor at KTH.
The student shall continuously, during the degree project, document the work in writing and work on the preliminary version of the written report.
When the supervisor at KTH assesses that the student has reached the objectives, according to the plan for the degree project, and that the quality of the preliminary written report holds high quality, the student writes a self-assessment of the degree project according to the template for assessment of the quality of the degree project. The supervisor will give feedback on the self-assessment, and the student will be given the opportunity to remedy possible deficiencies.
The report and self-assessment should be delivered together with a summary of the KTH supervisor's assessment of the thesis according to the template for assessment of the quality of the degree project to the examiner for a preliminary approval.
The student should participate actively in two oral presentations of second-cycle degree projects.
The student should arrange to be the opponent at the public discussion of another student presenting a second-cycle degree project. Date for the public discussion [4] and choice of degree project report to review, should be approved by the examiner. The student shall carry out an oral public discussion and written review of the other student's presentation of the degree project. The opposition will be assessed by the examiner of the other student.
The student shall carry out an oral presentation and defence of their own report.
No later than two weeks after presentation, the student should deliver a final report to the examiner. To the report, the student shall enclose an updated self-reflection based on the template for assessment of the quality of the degree project.
The examiner is responsible for checking plagiarism of the degree project report.
The examiner should fill in the template for assessment of the quality of the degree project.
The grade will be determined by the examiner.
The directions for public access at KTH, apply for the implementation of the degree project and for publication of the report. The degree project report should be published electronically in DiVA, according to the rules that apply to electronic publication of degree projects at KTH.
[1] The registration form constitutes the basis for course registration.
[2] Is normally carried out by the administration.
[3] See the heading Learning activities.
[4] The public discussion cannot be carried out before the student is admitted to the course.
Course contents
Before the degree project course is started, the student should identify an appropriate degree project assignment and formulate a project proposal, so that this can be approved by the examiner. The assignment should be chosen so that it implies a natural progression of the knowledge and skills that have been acquired within the education and in a possible specialisation within the education.
The student writes an individual plan for the degree project, in which the problem description/assignment and the preconditions for the implementation of the work are specified.
The student carries out an in-depth pre-study including discussions of method choice and theoretical background with a literature study that is reported as part of a draft to a preliminary version of the written degree project report.
The student independently carries out a degree project, where knowledge and methods from the education are applied.
The student plans and carries out an oral presentation and defence of his or her degree project.
The student carries out an oral and written review of another first-cycle degree project.
The student writes and presents a written degree project report, where the student clearly accounts for and discusses own conclusions in the degree project and the knowledge and the arguments that underpin them.
The student carries out a self-evaluation of the degree project according to established model.
Intended learning outcomes
After passing the degree project course, the student should be able to:
show advanced knowledge within the main field of study/the specialisation for the education, including advanced insight into current research and development work,
show methodological knowledge within the main field of study/the specialisation for the education,
participate in research and development work and thereby contribute to the knowledge development,
with a holistic approach, critically, independently and creatively identify, formulate, analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena and issues, even with limited information,
plan and with adequate methods carry out qualified assignments within given frames, and evaluate this work,
integrate knowledge critically and systematically and identify the need of additional knowledge
in Swedish or in English, in speech and writing clearly report and discuss their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based,
within the frames of the degree project identify the role of the scholarship and the engineer in the society,
within the frame of the specific degree project identify which issues that need to be answered in order to observe relevant dimensions of sustainable development,
within the frames of the degree project assess and show awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work, with respect to methods, working methods and results of the degree project
in order to
be able to participate in research and development or work independently in other qualified activities according to the national aims for a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Degree of Master of Science in Higher Education Ordinance.
Literature and preparations
Specific prerequisites
Passed courses at second cycle level of at least 60 credits, including courses that are relevant for the degree project including a course in theory of knowledge and research methodology.
If the student is registered on an engineering programme should all courses that are required for issuing of Degree of Bachelor be completed.
You can find information about course literature either in the course memo for the course offering or in the course room in Canvas.
Examination and completion
If the course is discontinued, students may request to be examined during the following two academic years.
Grading scale
P, F
30.0 credits,
grading scale: P, F
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
PROA includes
individual plan for the degree project
a pre-study, a discussion of choice of method, and a literature study.
a written report with an abstract in both Swedish and English.
an oral presentation
a self-assessment report.
a written and oral review (public discussion) of another student's second-cycle degree project
Other requirements for final grade
Active attendance at two oral presentations of degree projects for first-cycle studies.
All examination part should be approved within a year from the start of the degree project. Otherwise, the degree project will be ended with a failed grade, unless special circumstances apply.
All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.
Further information
Course room in Canvas
Registered students find further information about the implementation of the course in the course room in Canvas. A link to the course room can be found under the tab Studies in the Personal menu at the start of the course.