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CHI 2021 Awards for MID Researchers

Publicerad 2021-03-15

We are pleased to announce that our researchers have been awarded Best Papers and Honorable Mentions in CHI 2021.

Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, and Madeline Balaam received two Best Paper awards for their work titled "Designing Menstrual Technologies with Adolescents" and "Resisting the Medicalisation of Menopause: Reclaiming the Body through Design". 

On another note, Kristina Höök, Charles Windlin, and Pedro Sanches collaborated with Paul Tennent from University of Nottingham and other researchers received Honorable Mention award for their work "Articulating Soma Experiences using Trajectories".

CHI, or the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is an annual conference in the field of human-computer interaction, and considered to be one of the most prestigious. This year, the conference will be held online in May.

Follow this link  to go to the conference site or this link  to find the abstracts of the awarded works.