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MMK-doktorand vinner pris

Publicerad 2015-05-08

Loove Broms, tidigare doktorand (disputerade 2014-09-03) vid KTH Maskinkonstruktion har vunnit Designfakultetens Designforskningspris för 2014.

Han får priset för sin avhandling: Storyforming - experiments in creating discursive engagement between people, things, and environments. Prissumman uppgår till 10 000 SEK och nedan kan du läsa juryns motivering:

People ascribe meaning to objects and events, and objects are often perceived as more meaningful if they have been part of significant events. In his thesis Storyforming, Loove Broms explores how the design of artefacts can allow for series of events to occur, in order to create more meaningful such experiences. The word story paired with forming is suggestive, an elegant touch that illustrates how the idea generation, throughout the design process, can afford meaningful stories. Storyforming is a conceptual framing that sets out a new creative direction for design space explorations, and as such, it has great significance for human meaning-making in general, and for sustainable design in particular.