NAVET Week December 2023
NAVET WEEK 2023 - December 11-15
NAVET welcomes you to NAVET WEEK 2023, a week of activities, open for everyone (free admission), including live performances, interactive installations, presentations and workshops distributed between KTH, KMH Royal College of Music, SKH Stockholm University of the Arts, Konstfack, Scenkonstmuseet – The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts, and Tekniska - The National Museum of Science and Technology
Please register to the NAVET WEEK 2024 by clicking here
Monday 11/12: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
9.30-12.30: KTH Innovation
Opening Session of the NAVET WEEK 2023
Location: KTH Innovation, Teknikringen 1, 114 28 Stockholm

9:30 Roberto Bresin , Opening and presentation of the third NAVET WEEK
9:40 Roberto Bresin , NAVET activities during 2023 and in the future
9:50 Roberto Bresin , NAVET book release
10:00 Håkan Lidbo , artist and innovator, founder of Rumtiden Idea Lab , co-founder of The Museum of Artificial Intelligence , Inspirational talk
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Roberto Bresin, Presentation of a new NAVET initiative - Gestalting science through the arts
11:30 Emma Nyberg, Project Leader of the Baltic Sea Festival , "I have a Dream..."- Baltic Sea Festival: What is music needed for in a sustainable society? ( This seminar is also online )
12:00 Luigia Brandimarte, winner of the 2022 KTH Pedagogical Prize , Gestalt of fluid mechanics concepts by circus performances and back
12:30 End of the morning session
14.00-17.00: KTH, Turbin Hall
Workshop with drones (registration required): "Shaping sensing and action. Moving with autonomous machines"
Organized and held by Joseph La Delfa ,Industrial Postdoc at Bitcraze and KTH, in the division of Robotics Perception and Learning.
Location: KTH Värmeverket (Turbin Hall), Drottning Kristinas väg 14, 114 28 Stockholm

Join us as we explore the idea of shaping the ability to sense and act, as a way of understanding autonomous machines. Unfolding in three parts, this hands on workshop will see you flying drones with your body, crafting your own alien creature, and dancing like nobody’s watching (really, there will be nobody watching). Through these practices, we open up dialogue about how we like to move and how we could move with autonomous machines.
To see the drones in action, visit
Note: Places are limited to 10 spots, you can sign up here.
Tuesday 12/12, 8:30-11:00: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Location: KTH Reactor Hall, Drottning Kristinas väg 51, 114 28 Stockholm.
Only registred participants will enter KTH Reactor Hall: please register here.
Body in Space
Welcome to an event, held at the KTH Reactor Hall, where art meets science!
It is organized by KTH NAVET Centre, KTH Space Center as well as the producer and director of the film “Heart of an Astronaut” which will be the centerpiece.

The general theme is Body in Space which will concretize how it feels to float around in space by various visual and sensorial experiences, such as sonification of space data and image projections, including Christer Fuglesang sharing his journey to space.
The event will start with a screening of the film, which is a short documentary inviting you on the journey of an astronaut’s heart from Earth to Space. Its beats, its perils and its strength told by the astronaut’s doctor, the flight surgeon Brigitte Godard. It is a romantic trip of the cardiovascular system into space. The screening will be followed by presentations, Q/A and mingle with invited speakers!
Only registred participants will enter KTH Reactor Hall: please register here.
- 08:30 Opening doors of reactor hall and mingle
- 09:00 Welcoming to the event by Leif Handberg , manager of the KTH Reactor Hall, and Roberto Bresin , director of NAVET
- 09:10 Speech by State Secretary Maria Nilsson
- 09:15 Screening of Heart of an Astronaut
- 09:30 Panel discussion with guests:
- JENNIFER RAINSFORD , director of Heart of an Astronaut
- COSTANZA JULIA BANI , moderator / producer of Heart of an Astronaut and Ass Prof in Film and Media Production at SKH Stockholm Universtiy of the Arts
- CHRISTER FUGLESANG , Astronaut and Director of the KTH Space Center
- BRIGITTE GODARD , flight surgeon
- DAG LINNARSSON , Professor Emeritus of Baromedicine at Karolinska Institutet
- HANS BERG , Researcher in Orthopedics, muscle physiology at Karolinska Institutet and KTH
- 10:00 Q and A
- 10:15 Gym in Space and Coffee Break
- 10:30 ANITA ZANELLA , Researcher at INAF National Institute of Astrophysics, Padova, Italy, The Audible Universe ( see paper in Nature Astronomy ) ( This seminar is also online )
- Abstract: Incredible images of astrophysical objects in printed materials and in digital form are used by professional astronomers for research and by the general public for outreach and educational purposes. However, professional astronomers and the general public alike are blind to nearly all astronomical phenomena without technological and computational aids to produce the images that we are now used to “seeing”.
Challenging the idea that we should always use visualisations of astronomical data (i.e., graphs or images), there has been an emerging research interest over the past decade in converting astronomical data and phenomena into sound ("sonification"). Motivation for this includes the potential to enhance scientific discovery within complex datasets, by utilising the inherent multi-dimensionality of sound and the ability of our hearing to filter signals from noise. Other motivations include creating engaging multi-sensory resources, for education and public engagement, and making astronomy more accessible to people who are blind or have low vision, promoting their participation in science and related careers.
I will review the current status of the field of sonification in astronomy, and describe potential benefits of sound in the context of research, outreach, and education. I will also discuss current limitations and challenges of the approaches taken and suggest future directions to help realise the full potential of sound-based techniques when applied within the astronomy community.
- Abstract: Incredible images of astrophysical objects in printed materials and in digital form are used by professional astronomers for research and by the general public for outreach and educational purposes. However, professional astronomers and the general public alike are blind to nearly all astronomical phenomena without technological and computational aids to produce the images that we are now used to “seeing”.
- 10:45 -11:00 Open discussion
Tuesday 12/12, 13:00-15:45: Tekniska museet
Free admission
Location: Tekniska museet, Museivägen 7, 115 27 Stockholm

13:00 Fanny Söderström Aupeix, Head of Exhibition & Experiences, Welcome! (Salong Energi)
13:15 Students present the selected ideas from the . The theme for this year is "The Forest" (location: Salong Energi)
14:00 Coffee break and mingle in Trähallen (Location: Trähall 3D Visualization Dome )
14:30 Jesper Wallerborg, Tech Lead, Presentation of the new visualization dome, including technical description and Q&A (location: 3D Visualization Dome )
15:00: Screening of 3D documentary movie STORT/VAST (duration 35 min). (location: 3D Visualization Dome )
STORT 3D – En kosmisk resa genom tid och rum ( link )
Rymden är ofattbart stor. Tack vare vår nyfikenhet och strävan efter kunskap har vi människor drivits till att utforska rymden och lärt oss mer om universum. Det finns fortfarande oerhört mycket kvar att utforska. I domföreställningen STORT beger vi oss i väg på en resa längre ut i rymden än var någon annan människa någonsin varit. Allting vi får se på vår resa är baserat på verkliga data som inhämtats tack vare mänsklighetens tekniska framsteg och många års forskning. Följ med oss på resan, med start i vårt eget solsystem hela vägen ut till Big Bang.
In VAST, we set off on a journey further into space than any other human being has ever been. Join us on the journey, starting in our own solar system all the way out to the Big Bang.
VAST is an 8K fulldome show in 3D. The production has been created using the interactive software OpenSpace, developed by Norrköping Visualization Center C together with NASA, AMNH and others.
Wednesday 13/12, 14:00-15:30: Konstfack - University of Arts, Craft and Design
Location : Konstfack, at Café Glasklart ( LM Ericssons Väg 14, 126 27 Hägersten )

Shared sensations from complementary music and vibrotactile compositions
Workshop with music and haptics, conducted by the Music for All , a NAVET thematic working group!
In this workshop the participants will explore and experience a vibrotactile composition. The workshop is held by the grand piano right outside the café area. After a short introduction by Elsa Vaara (, Cheryl Akner-Koler (Konstfack), Kjetil Falkenberg (KTH) and Johan Fröst (KMH), you will test a vibrotactile device with a composed and coreographed program, first without then with music. Following this session, there will be short presentations and discussions including musical live examples about the material and experience.
The workshop is open to anyone and requires no former knowledge of haptics or music. Welcome!
Special Registration needed for this workshop, please register at the form linked here.
Thursday 14/12, 14:00-16:00: Scenkonstmuseet - The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts
Free admission
Location: Scenkonstmuseet, Sibyllegatan 2, 114 51 Stockholm

14:00 Researchers from KTH, Konstfack, KMH, SKH, The building of Circadian Waves - Resonances , a sound & light installation for Nobel Week Lights.
14:30 Ines Bartl , lighting designer, Presentation of the design of the new lighting system for the Sound Forest/Ljudskogen installation at Scenkonstmuseet
15:00 Visit of the exhibition “ Elektronmusikstudion – konst, teknik och politik ”
Friday 15/12, 10:00-12:00: SKH Stockholm University of the Arts
Location: Valhallavägen 189, 115 53 Stockholm

10:00 BA and MA students from different subject areas at SKH have explored possibilities in the new course in immersive media , they will show examples of how they put theory into practice by conducting experiments with XR. You will take part of immersive media prototypes on a given theme, work that students have designed and developed during the last five weeks – world premiere!
11:00 You will meet professors from SKH profile areas , John Paul Zaccarini with FutureBrownSpace and Kent Olofsson. The profile areas represent strategic initiatives and they aim for creating opportunities for synergies within the research field, for development and broadening of transdisciplinary and thematic hybrids between research in the different specialisations. The profile areas are used as tools/lenses for interdisciplinary discussion and development of all research conducted within the university.
Friday 15/12, 14:00-16:00: KMH Royal College of Music
Location: Lilla salen, Valhallavägen 105

14:00 Master students Helena Linder Miñambres (KTH), Niklas Dahlquist (KMH), Louisa Palmi Danielsson (KMH), Johan Lundberg (KMH) and Domantas Puras (KMH) present and discuss their ongoing composition work, including compositions for the Circadian Waves - Resonances installations at Nobel Week Lights 2023 .
15:00 Demo of an experimental interactive method for browsing large repositories of sound files developed within the research project IRESAP, a collaboration between MDU and KMH. The demo is lead by Henrik Frisk (KMH), Rikard Lindell (MDU) and Austin Franklin (MDU).
Lilla Salen 14:00-16:00 | Foyer 14:15-15:40 | ||
14:00 | Introduktion | IRESAP | |
14:05 | Niklas Dahlquist | KMH | Poster session & |
14:20 | Johan Lundberg | KMH | Demo |
14:35 | Helena Linder Miñambres | KMH | |
14:50 | Johan Lundberg | KMH | |
15:05 | Louisa Palmi Danielsson | KMH | |
15:20 | Domantas Puras | KMH | |
15:35 | Break | ||
15:40 | Round table discussion | KMH/KTH | |
16:00 | End |