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A research effort that enable the healthcare systems to rapidly expand beyond their normal capability

Välkomna till Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnads torsdagsseminariumsserie! Under rådande pandemi sker seminarierna digitalt och har fokus på forskningsidéer relaterade till Coronakrisen.

Tid: To 2020-05-14 kl 15.00 - 16.00

Plats: Digitalt på Zoom (länk skickas ut efter registrering)

Medverkande: Sasan Sadrizadeh

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This seminar is presented in English.

The seminar starts at 3 PM with a welcome greeting and five minutes past with the presentation.


Sasan Sadrizadeh

Hospital preparedness for infectious disease outbreaks, bio-terrorism attacks and other public health emergencies requires strategic planning. Healthcare systems normally have no surge capacity to provide necessary isolation space and utilities to a large number of patients with airborne infectious diseases in a short period of time.

The recent COVID-19 outbreak has a profound impact on the global economy, human health and communities. In a very short time, hospitals faced a tremendous influx of coronavirus patients result in a severe shortage of isolation rooms. Many scheduled surgeries and normal routine care were forced to be cancelled to make room for those critically infected patients.

An inventory count performed in 16 EU member states in 2006 showed that the average number of high-level isolation rooms in each country was 112. In Sweden, for example, 25.9 high isolation room beds are available per million population.

On this seminar Sasan Sadrizadeh presents a recent research effort at the ABE school that enable the healthcare systems to rapidly expand beyond their normal capability to meet the increased demand for appropriate space in the event of disease outbreaks or any large scales public health emergency.

Welcome to register for this inspirational seminar on 14 of May, 2020 to find out more!

Innehållsansvarig:Cecilia Olah
Tillhör: Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad (ABE)
Senast ändrad: 2020-05-06