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The Changing Spaces of Equality: Public Buildings, Power and Democracy in Swedish Cities

Stockholm from above.
Photo: Ingrid Johansson. Courtesy of City Museum of Stockholm.

At this seminar, visiting postdoctoral fellow Ingrid Campo Ruiz introduces her research project The Changing Spaces of Equality: Public Buildings, Power and Democracy in Swedish Cities. A topic, that will engage many of you; we hope to see you there.

Please visit the Research Seminar KTH Group to find more information on Ingrid's research: https://www.kth.se/social/group/kth-higher-seminars/event/hannes-frykholm-research-presentation/

All welcome!

Tid: Fr 2023-02-24 kl 15.00 - 17.00

Plats: A608

Videolänk: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/67042903633

Språk: English

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I began focusing on how a project of architecture can be integrated into a site, considering the impact on societal, economic, political, individual and environmental levels and across generations. My PhD dissertation “Lewerentz in Malmö. Intersections between Architecture and Landscape” offers a novel perspective from which to understand the integration of a design in a site. My thesis describes a methodology of design, in which the limits or elements used to subdivide spaces are also used to connect a set of selected references, thereby allowing for a critical perspective.

Making progress with my research on public spaces, 20th century Sweden became a key reference of a radical social transformation to achieve equality. However, increasingly powerful actors are blooming with the deregulation of the economy and are transforming the framework of action. I understand public buildings as a contact point between the different socio-economic developments and territory.

Therefore, I currently assess large public buildings in Swedish cities and their potential to contribute to social equality. I consider equality through multiple interconnected dimensions including education, employment, financial resources, political empowerment, gender and space. My aim is to extend the framework of understanding public buildings, their relationship to socio-economic powers, and equality in Swedish cities.

Regarding my work as a practicing architect, I present some projects with which I question some current social, political, and economic developments. I support alternative paths that promote human rights and dignity for all and the preservation of ecosystems through design, materials, and media. I have founded LessWasteArchitecture and #whylesswaste to actively encourage the reduction of over-consumption and waste.