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Inauguration and Launch of the Centre of Excellence for Anthropocene History


It is our great pleasure to announce the official inauguration of our new Centre of Excellence for Anthropocene History at KTH, which started this year with a generous grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR).

Time: Tue 2024-09-24 15.00 - 18.30

Location: KTH [Venue TBA]

Language: English

Participating: Dipesh Chakrabarty, Sverker Sörlin, Giulia Rispoli, Silke Beck, Fredrik Albritton Jonsson

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The mission of the Centre  is to build a new field of history which can account for the planetary changes of the Anthropocene while also changing the role of history itself in society, seeking a more active and responsive stance that can meet the challenges of our time. 

You are welcome to attend the event on the afternoon of 24th of September at 16:00 at KTH Royal Institute of Technology inside the R1 Reactor Hal l, Sweden’s first nuclear facility, which was used for research between 1954 and 1970. The dawn of the nuclear age is seen as a key dimension of the Anthropocene and we invite you to join us inside part of its history.

We are glad to announce that Professor Dipesh Chakrabarty  of the University of Chicago will give our inauguration lecture, followed by a live conversation with guests listed below, and then a mingle with celebratory drinks and light food.

Seating is limited. Location: KTH Reactor Hall R1, Drottning Kristinas väg 51, Stockholm


16:00 – 18:30

Welcome, Opening Addresses, and Centre Launch: co-directors Sabine Höhler & Adam Wickberg and Centre members

Keynote Talk: Dipesh Chakrabarty “Of Common Descent: Anthropocenic and planetary histories

Live Conversation: with Dipesh Chakrabarty, Sverker Sörlin, Giulia Rispoli, Fredrik Albritton Jonsson, Silke Beck and Thomas Turnbull “What is Anthropocene History and why do we need it?”


Mingle with celebratory drinks and light food

Warmly welcome!
The team at the Centre of Excellence for Anthropocene History

Contact email: anthropocene[at]